by Dianna Berrian
There’s nothing like a quiet morning with a good book and some classical music to start your day. And that’s exactly how Klaus and Elijah are starting off. While Klaus ponders “The Poisoned Tree” (as far as I can tell), Elijah skims through his mother’s grimoire, both ignoring the bleeding carcass on the coffee table between them. It’s not so invisible to Rebekah, however, and she makes a point of questioning them to which they respond with some chumminess and brotherly wit. The body was Klaus’ peace offering to his brother for daggering him. But Elijah declines, preferring behavioral changes rather than a bribe. Well. No need to let a nice, tasty bleeding corpse go to waste.
by Dianna Berrian

This week on “The Originals”, you’ll come to find your definition of a “harvest” is about to change. The episode picks up right where we left off in Davina’s attic where she and a grey faced Elijah have a stand off of sorts. Throughout their exchange, please note how intently he keeps looking at the throbbing pulse in her neck to imply that he’s hungry. Well, duh! The little witch wonders what the “honorable” Original could want with her, and he shares his belief that, together, they could stop the war between witches and vampires before it begins. On his end, he’ll keep Klaus in check and all he asks of her is to behave as her true self, not some tool for Marcel or the witches. Why should she trust him? What, the fact that he hasn’t pounced on you and drained you because he has class isn’t enough? Apparently not, and she decides to test his will with a prick of her finger. She begins teasing him with the drop of blood on the pin until he takes it, and just like that, the hideous grey face paint disappears and he looks like normal ol’ Elijah again. (more…)
by Dianna Berrian
“Over the course of my life I’ve encountered no shortage of those who presume to speak of good and evil. Such terms mean nothing. People do what is in their best interest, regardless of who gets hurt. Is it evil to take what one wants to satisfy hunger even if doing so will cause another suffering? What some would call evil, I believe would be an appropriate response to a harsh, unfair world.”
This is the philosophical voiceover, given by Klaus, that sets the mood for tonight’s episode. As it turns out, it’s actually more of a speech he gives Cami after inviting her over with an ulterior motive. Since he’s caught her interest, he continues telling her the real reason as to why he came to New Orleans, including pregnant Hayley and the all powerful Davina. With a clever twist of meanings, he makes her believe he wants to help protect Hayley and free Davina. Does that sound like the mind of an evil man? She doesn’t believe in evil as a diagnosis. Her diagnosis – unstable personal relationships, stress related paranoia, chronic anger issues, and fear of abandonment. Hey, just your typical psychopath. She also thinks he’d benefit from talking to someone professionally. Pfft… (more…)
by Dianna Berrian

Paying homage to their “Vampire Diaries” roots, tonight’s episode starts off with an excerpt from an actual diary. Elijah’s diary, to be exact, which Hayley seemed to have dug up in her quest to snoop through the Originals’ lives. It’s a semi-poetic entry from 1359 that makes a nice prelude to the episode with Elijah’s fears of his family’s dwindling mentalities in becoming vampires. Fitting, seeing as this episode focuses on the cutthroat execution of Klaus and Rebekah’s first phase of taking down Marcel and getting Elijah back. And just what is this plan, Hayley (and we) wonder? Well, the first attempt is to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back. But that’s just Plan A, little wolf. There’s always Plan B – it’s this little pill you probably should’ve taken the day after you slept with a murderous hybrid. Oh…sorry. I meant, war.
by Dianna Berrian

Welcome to “The Abattoir ”, a club for those who travel to New Orleans seeking thrills, excitement and a little danger. It’s here, in his domain, that Marcel reveals his secret to keeping the vampires in the city in check with a feeding frenzy in the club at the stroke of midnight. But how could he possibly deal with so many victims at once, Klaus wonders. Easy. Just heal them with vamp blood, erase their memories of the night, and send them on their merry way. “No muss no fuss.” And it’s a good way for the loyal night-dwelling subjects to earn their own daylight rings. Oh to be king…
Tonight’s episode finally brings the long awaited return of Rebekah. After numerous unanswered calls she finally shows up in New Orleans, in search of the assumed missing Elijah. But not before a little homocidal pick me up in the form of 6 nightcrawlers that belong to Marcel. What’s a lost, helpless little girl to do when she’s surrounded by six surly men who could easily overpower her? Pfft… (more…)