The Originals 1×11 – “Apres Moi, le Deluge” – Recap
by Dianna Berrian
Tonight’s “The Originals” forecast calls for earthquakes, flooding rain, gusts of wind, and – at rare times – fire.
by Dianna Berrian
Tonight’s “The Originals” forecast calls for earthquakes, flooding rain, gusts of wind, and – at rare times – fire.
by Dianna Berrian
Femme fatale is the theme of tonight’s “The Originals” episode, so all you feminists out there? This one’s for you.
by Dianna Berrian
Ding ding ding! I’d like to make a toast. Here’s to those who have stuck around this long with a show that has had its ups and down. And to our fallen comrades who have left “The Originals” behind for greener pastures, I honestly cannot blame you. For a mid-season finale, it seems to have fallen a bit short from all the actiony goodness that we were overindulged with last week.
by Dianna Berrian
In lieu of Thanksgiving coming up this week, it seems fitting to have an episode of “The Originals” with so many family values. Loyalty, compassion, gratitude. Lying, thievery, betrayal. But as long as you’re absolved of your sins, it’s all peachy right? Well, that’s exactly Rebekah’s hope when she takes up Father Kieran’s confessional. “Are you even Catholic?” Hey, Father, quit making jokes. She needs absolution! (more…)
by Dianna Berrian
There’s only one rule in Fight Club – never talk about Fight Club. …But I guess that doesn’t really hold as strongly with a massive group of vampires conducting their own supernatural “fight night”. In Marcel’s vampiric version of fight club, the rules are simple: the vampire left standing at the end of the night is one step closer to the inner circle and a daylight ring. And the fighters are fierce, holding nothing back. But when you forget to invite the Originals to a party, don’t think they won’t take the opportunity to crash. Klaus and Elijah shortly bring the event to a halt to demand the return of Hayley from Marcel, but it turns out he doesn’t even have her. He just stopped by to say “hey girl, hey” and took off into the night. But since he’s such an accommodating king, he’ll even help find her. His only question is, “If Hayley isn’t here, then where is she?”
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