Season 4 of Once Upon A Time is fast approaching. Now that we’ve put that awful Wicked Witch stuff behind us, we can look forward to whatever it is the writers have in store for us next. It turns out they’re bringing in a handful of new characters as they introduce us to the world of Frozen. It will probably be a mess but…let it go. It’s happening. Elizabeth Mitchell has been cast as the potential new “Big Bad” of the season and Georgina Haig, Elizabeth Lail, and Scott Michael Foster join the cast as Kristoff, Anna, and Elsa.
At the 2014 Comic-Con, a new trailer for season 4 was shown but no new footage was released. Kind of a let down from previous trailers. However, new sneak peek images of the Frozen team have been released. Check them out below and let us know what you think.
Season 4 of Once Upon A Time returns on September 28th at 8/7c on ABC.
Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) has gone into labor. Pretty soon, a new baby will be in Storybrooke and it’s up to the town to keep Zelena (Rebecca Mader) as far away as possible. Zelena is causing trouble immediately. She attempts to drown Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) and forces Emma (Jennifer Morrison) to give him mouth to mouth to suck out all her powers. Right off the bat, the good guys aren’t doing so hot.
Read on for our recap of episode 3×20 of Once Upon A Time: “Kansas“:
It looks like we’ll be meeting two new characters next week on Once Upon A Time. Snow White’s baby is on the way and it looks like Zelena will have a run-in with Dorothy! I really would love to trade in all the characters we lost this season if it meant Zelena and her bargain green makeup would melt away from my screens.
Once Upon A Time airs Sundays on ABC.
Watch the promo for next week’s episode: “Kansas” here:
A lot went down on tonight’s episode of Once Upon A Time. There were many answers and things just in general, were getting real.
Read on for our recap of episode 3×19 of Once Upon A Time: “A Curious Thing“.
Half of this episode takes place in the Fairy Tale Land of the past year. We’re finally going to find out what went down in those final days that no one can remember. The Charmings learn what it is Zelena wants. She has plans for their baby and after she turns Philip and Aurora into flying monkeys, they figure it’s about time to come up with a new plan. Once again, I reiterate, Rebecca Mader needs to Calm. It. Down.

Regina is determined to learn more about Cora’s past and the reason behind Zelena’s quest for revenge on an all new episode of Once Upon A Time.
Read on for our recap of tonight’s new episode entitled: “Bleeding Through“.