Once Upon A Time – 1×09 – True North – Recap
This week focuses on Hansel and Gretel. Before I get very far into the episode, I notice in the opening credits that Nicholas Lea is guest starring so automatically I know I’m going to enjoy this one. I have a weird crush on him. But I digress.
Henry runs into Hansel and Gretel in Storybrooke in a convenience store of sorts. Now that I’m thinking about it, is the congested store owner supposed to be Sneezy? They ask him to hang out but they really just want to put stolen goods in his backpack so they don’t get caught. They’re orphans and are living in hiding so they aren’t separated. They have no idea who their father is and Emma makes it her mission to find him.
In Fairy Tale world, their father (Nicholas Lea) is cutting down some trees when he is captured by the Queen. The children look for him but are also taken. She needs children to get into the house of the blind witch to steal back something of hers. If they do as she asks, she promises to find their father. She gives them one warning. No matter how big the temptation, they mustn’t eat anything. Hansel isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed and eats a cupcake as soon as he’s inside. This awakens the witch who apparently can’t be satisfied with a cupcake and would rather eat and roast the children in gravy or butter.
The children manage to escape and lock her in the oven. They return what the Queen was looking for. It’s the poison apple she will use to poison Snow White. What exactly did Snow do that pisses her off so much? The Queen is happy that they succeeded and instead of looking for their father, she invites them to come stay and live with her and have everything they could ever want. Did she lose a child or something? Why is she being so nice? They, of course, turn her down because they love their father. I mean, really, she could have invited the dad too. He’s hot. Just sayin’. The Queen later asks their dad why they refused her and he tells her it’s because they are a family. Shockingly, she releases him. Just nowhere near where she released the kids. They have quite a search ahead of them.
The same can be said for Storybrooke. Henry wants to know about his biological father and Emma tells him he was a firefighter who liked pumpkin pie and died a hero. Little does he know but she lied. Henry’s father is a bad guy. Is he going to be Peter because of the pumpkin pie? You know..Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater, had a wife but couldn’t keep her. Emma goes to Mr. Gold for help locating the father. She shows him a compass that used to belong to him and Mr. Gold recognizes it immediately and gives her his name when he finishes polishing Aladdin’s lamp. Mr. Gold read his name off a blank sheet of paper. How much does he know?
Emma contacts their father and in Storybrooke he runs a tow shop. He doesn’t want to take the kids because he can’t afford them. Emma unfortunately has to drive the kids to Boston to put them in foster care. Henry warns Emma that nobody can leave Storybrooke and sure enough, her car breaks down and she needs a tow. Their father drives up, sees his children, and we get a happy ending. Is this the first fairy tale story that got resolved in Storybrooke?
As Emma and Henry are celebrating with a piece of pumpkin pie, a mysterious stranger rides into town on a motorcycle. Henry doesn’t recognize him and neither does Emma. I thought only Emma could come to Storybrooke. Who do you think he is?