In the primary storyline of tonight’s episode of “Brooklyn NIne-Nine,” Captain Holt assigns Jake and Diaz to Boyle’s DOA case; Santiago warns Boyle that Jake’s a horrible secondary due to his inability to take orders and give up control. Although Jake wants to prove Santiago wrong, he’s quickly taking lead at the crime scene investigation, deciding that it’s an natural death case while making a string of lazy fat jokes due to the victim’s size.
Doyle easily rolls over, but Diaz takes Jake aside and tells him to lay off from bulldozing Charles on the lead. Jake petulantly takes a backseat until he spots the attractive medical examiner Dr. Rossi (Mary Elizabeth Ellis) and shameless flirts with her (over a dead body). He volunteers to “follow up” with Dr. Rossi over dinner while Doyle is running the investigation, and Boyle thinks Jake’s embracing his status as second banana.
The next day, Boyle hasn’t gotten the autopsy report, and Jake ells Santiago and Diaz that he had sex with Dr. Rossi, involving some weird crime scene role play. Santiago chastises Jake for being irresponsible, and Jake thinks he can’t win as a secondary, even when he steps back to have sex with a hot coroner.
When Captain Holt decides to call the coroner’s office himself, Jake agrees to pick up the report himself so he won’t get busted (still holding onto his “natural causes” call). Boyle, who’s found a break in the investigation that suggests murder (Patterson’s wife only booked one ticket), then incorrectly credits Jake for his “work.” Not wanting Boyle to be taken advantage of, Diaz drags him down to the coroner’s office to retrieve the delayed report. They find an unbuttoned Dr. Rossy, and a half-naked Jake in one of the body lockers.
Boyle stands up to Jake for once, and Jake volunteers to help with the autopsy (Dr. Rossy sent her assistant away so they could have sex) to make up for his carelessness. Jake can barely make it through without dry-heaving, but urges Dr. Rossy to look for signs of murder. Eventually, after gleefully looking for signs of death, Dr. Rossy finds liver scarring consistent with poison. She propositions Jake for another round of sex, but cutting open a dead body has turned Jake off of their kinky post-mortem role play.
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