This week’s episode of “New Girl” was all about Schmidt, and seemed to put to bed once and for all his wound-licking after being, well, Schmidt.
Jess has plans to throw a Halloween party in the loft, but is reluctant to have the cold cut binge-eating Schmidt ruin the festive mood. Schmidt insists on attending the party in his depressing state, so Nick and Winston wonder if it’s time for Schmidt to get a letter from an old friend–Michael Keaton.
“Do you think I’m a good person?” Schmidt asks his roommates at the beginning of this episode of “New Girl.” Schmidt’s still licking his wounds after his two-timing, and reluctant responses from Winston, Nick, and Jess send him into Schmidt Crisis Mode.
Meanwhile, a shady guy shows up with a paper sack for Nick on behalf of his dead father’s estate, and it turns out to hold $8,000. Cut to Winston and Jess at the mall, watching Nick burn through money on ridiculous stuff. Jess wants Nick to slow down, but Winston warns her not to ever talk to Nick about money. Meanwhile, Winston sees this as his opportunity “con” Nick into giving him the $1,900 he owes him.
n this week’s episode of “New Girl,” Schmidt’s still upset over his relationship SNAFU, and he still plans to take it out on Nick and Jess. Winston, in one of his rare moments of zen advice, reminds Schmidt that he could’ve been happy with either woman, but he blew it.
Later, Winston tells Nick and Jess about Winston’s impending neuter surgery, and the two joke about throwing Winston a cat bachelor party so that he could get laid. In Winston’s absurd world, this is a brilliant and doable idea.
The next morning, Winston’s runs into an attractive woman (Riki Lindome) picking up her cat, Fatty from the pet shop groomer. Winston slyly suggests, “My boy cat is looking for a girl cat.” The woman, believing Winston to be hitting on her in a weird but sexy way, suggests that their cats could go on a date, and Winston thinks it’s a step towards getting Ferguson laid. “How often do you groom your cat?” he asks her. Major signals crossed.