Indi Star is a multi-talented actress, dancer, singer, and model putting her influence to good use. Perhaps best known for her role as Kimmie on Nickelodeon’s Henry Danger, Indi Star has amassed a following of over 1 million fans. Now starring as Paris in Brat TV’s Charmers, Indi is set to showcase her music abilities with the release of her latest single “Afterglow.”

Photo Credit: Jessica Spohr
We spoke with Indi Star about what her fans can expect from her latest and upcoming music, filming with the cast of Charmers, working alongside Cary Elwes in The Hyperions, and always being a positive role model for her fans.
Check out our exclusive interview with Indi Star below. Read or Listen:
Thank you for speaking with us today! Congratulations on your new single!
Thank you!
That’s very exciting. Can you start us off by talking a little about what inspired you to pursue your passion for music with a solo career?
Yeah! My sister was a singer before me so I always looked up to her. I wanted to start singing because of her. I got into Kidz Bop and that’s what made me a professional singer. After that, I kind of wanted to start making my music because I fell in love with music.
Kidz Bop has been around for so long. I remember growing up with it. That’s an exciting way to start things.
What can your fans expect from your latest single “Afterglow”? What was your inspiration behind that song?
My inspiration behind “Afterglow” was, I made the song in January so I was in a relationship then. It was when you’re in the beginning of a relationship and everything is kind of…You love each other and it’s the beginning. Everything’s good and everything is awesome and you never really want to leave each other. That’s what the song is about.
Like that honeymoon period where everything is butterflies and happiness.
Yeah [laughs]

Indi Star
Photo Credit: Jessica Spohr
How would you describe your musical sound for someone who hasn’t heard it before?
It’s definitely pop but I have a very, I use my head voice a lot so it’s very soft. I don’t want to compare myself to Billie Eilish. It’s more of a soft singing voice, the songs that I make now. My other songs were way more pop. But the music that I’m going to be coming out with now is more, I don’t know how to explain it but it’s slower and calmer.
Like a soft pop sound.
Who are some of your musical influences?
Definitely Billie Eilish. Also Olivia Rodrigo. Those two are a lot of my inspiration for music. I like a lot of Avril Lavigne but I definitely couldn’t sing how she sings, she’s a really good singer. I look up to those people
What does your playlist look like? Who are you listening to at the moment?
Goodness. I’m listening to so many people. If you saw my phone, I have 10 playlists that I make. I make a playlist every day it’s so bad. Hmm. Billie Eilish’s new album came out so I listen to that. I also like to listen to old music like from when I was a child. I still am a child but from when I was younger. All of the music from 2015 I love those types of music. I also love Mumford & Sons. I love One Direction. Definitely James Arthur and Lewis Capaldi. A lot of those types of people.
You also have experience acting professionally. How did you get started as an actress? What attracted you to perform?
I moved out to LA when I was 8 years old. I wanted to pursue dancing and acting and all of that stuff. When I was younger I did a play with my best friend and I wanted to get into acting because of that. So, we moved out to LA and at first, I did more dancing when I moved out but then I got an agent and started doing commercials and stuff and I absolutely loved it. Then I got my first movie and I was like “This is exactly what I want to do. I love it so much.”
What do you love most about music when you compare it to acting? Is there one that you prefer over the other?
Not really. Singing is my absolute goal. I also do really want to do acting. For singing, I can express myself and my feelings and for acting, I can become a different character. I get to become a different person and it’s fun.
It’s a fun creative outlet to do something different whereas, as you said with your own music, you can express what you’re going through personally.
Can you talk a little about your role as Paris in Charmers on Brat TV and what attracted you to the project?
Yes! So my role on Charmers is Paris. I play Paris and I am the mean girl. She is so rude to everybody. She has her best friend that kind of follows whatever Paris does. I’m very sporty and very competitive. My character plays soccer a lot which is funny because I played soccer when I was younger. She’s supposed to be the best. She goes around and she’s so mean to everybody. It’s hard to play because I don’t want to be mean to my friends. I say rude stuff but they know I’m not meaning it. She’s fun to play.
Are there any similarities between you and your character? Are there any other elements for that character that you drew from yourself?
Yeah, I am a sporty person. I don’t normally play sports but I know how to play them and I’m very active. She’s very competitive and I’m not. We don’t have too much in common. Just sportiness and she had a best friend that she lost and now she makes fun of her. She’s really rude to her ex-best friend which is really sad. I haven’t really gotten to explore more of who Paris is because we’ve only done 8 episodes. I’m hoping to.

Indi Star
Photo Credit: Jessica Spohr
It sounds like those experiences are very relatable for people of that age.
I love that making it available on YouTube makes it more accessible to your audience. How has that experience been filming with the cast?
It’s been awesome. I love the cast so much. I was already friends with a bunch of people before Charmers. I got to meet a bunch of new people. I got to meet one of my best friends, her name is Millie on the show. Which is awesome. We’re like best friends right now. I got a lot closer with my other best friend Sophie. We didn’t really talk that much. I knew her from a year before and then on Charmers we got a lot closer. It was awesome. I love the whole cast and I miss them so much.
You seem to be so talented and busy with so many things! You’re also very creative on social media and YouTube. What do you love most about creating content for those outlets as well?
Hmm. I love making YouTube videos and stuff. I also make my music videos on YouTube so I love that. I love making my accounts a positive place for everybody to go on. I call my supporters “Stars”. They all support me and stuff and I want to do the same with them. If they ever need help I always DM them and stuff. I try to always make my account positive and real.
That’s so great. That’s hard to find nowadays.
It’s really hard but I do want to be there for them.
You also have an upcoming movie The Hyperions. Can you talk a little about your role on that project?
It’s coming out in February of 2022. I am so excited. I filmed it in February of 2019. I thought it was going to take such a long time for it to come out. My one friend said she filmed a movie when she was 3 and it came out a couple of months ago. I was like “Oh gosh, I’m going to wait forever.” They just told us the release date. I’m so excited because that’s so soon.
I don’t know if I can say the name but I play a younger version of Penelope Mitchell. I have super powers. I’m a Superhero in it. It was so much fun to play. That was the role that I knew I wanted to do acting for the rest of my life. It was such a fun experience. I don’t know how much I can spoil! I don’t know if I can say what superpowers I have.
Keep them wanting more.
[laughs] Okay. That’s all I can probably say.That sounds exciting! I see you also starred alongside Cary Elwes for The Hyperions?
Yes, I did!
We love him here.
He was so nice! I loved him so much.
I could listen to him talk all day with that accent.
We interviewed him once and I forgot how to speak.
That’s so funny.
What can your fans expect from you next? Do you have any new music coming out?
Yes, I do. Two days ago I was in the studio and I was recording more songs. I have two more songs that are ready to go and to be published. I think I’m going to publish one next month and the next one the month after that. I’m so excited for my fans to hear it. These are the two songs I’m most proud of. I was really excited for the fans to hear “Afterglow” but these are the two songs that I’m getting into more my type of songs.
Moving forward what are you most excited about? What would you love the chance to get to do coming up in your career?
I really do want to go on tour. I went on tour last year at the beginning of 2020. It was so much fun and I really want to do it again. I really want to release an album. I think that would be so much fun.
Thank you so much to Indi Star for taking the time to speak with us!
Be sure to keep up to date with Indi by following her on social media:
This interview has been edited for clarity and length.
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