Source: TNT
The Librarians is back with a brand new episode. In The Librarians 4×07, Eve decides to bring her Librarians to a team-building camp on the edge of a forest, but they end up facing mysterious disappearances. Will they be able to solve this new puzzle together?
Read on for our recap of The Librarians 4×07, “The Disenchanted Forest.”
The Librarians 4×07 starts off with Eve explaining that Flynn has left the Library, as we saw at the end of last week’s episode. This time, it seems he’s gone for good – not only has Flynn left, but he also resigned from being a Librarian altogether.
The group ponders why Flynn decided to leave without a word to Eve or the others. Jake thinks it’s because of what the Library did to Nicole Noone, but Eve thinks there might be something else behind his decision. She holds the letter Darrington Dare left for Flynn, in which Dare asked Flynn to take care of the current situation within the Library. There can only be one Librarian at a time, and they think Flynn has set an example by leaving voluntarily. But there are still two Librarians exceeding the right number.
A discussion among the Librarians ensues. Who should resign? And who should stay? Their confrontation is interrupted by a grumpier-than-usual Jenkins. He has to face the adversities of being a mere mortal – meaning having a cold, and experiencing the need to eat and sleep. What a nuisance!
Eve puts a stop to the Librarians’ arguing by stating that no one is going to leave the Library. Flynn was wrong. The Library invited each of the Librarians, and so far has yet to rescind any of those invitations. So why should anyone leave?
As The Librarians 4×07 continues, the Guardian gets an idea for becoming a team again – with a hint from the clipping book, which sent the Librarians to a specific team-building camp without adding any more details. This camp is unlike any other, as it belongs to Robbie Bender, the world’s most successful corporate team-building consultant.
Ezekiel is the least enthusiast of them all, while Cassandra is already in full camping mode, pranks included. Their Guardian is determined to make the most of the visit, making them participate in all the activities. The camp is located near the forest of Aspen Groves, and as the Guardian and the Librarians get familiar with their surroundings, Jake sees someone who completely captures his attention – Sarina, the camp’s “creativity director.”
Later that day, Ezekiel overhears a conversation between Sarina and another staff member, Sally. The creativity director tells Sally that some members of a group have disappeared, and Sally is not surprised. After all, this has happened many times before over the years. It seems we now know the reason why the clipping book sent the Librarians to this team-building camp in The Librarians 4×07: to find out why people are vanishing without leaving a trace.
Meanwhile, Eve makes an interesting discovery: One of the other teams attending the camp is composed of members of the DOSA. She gets inside their cabin, and when they find her rummaging among their possessions, she asks for their help to solve the mystery of the disappearances. DOSA agent Tannen states that he has no intentions of collaborating with the Librarians.
Elsewhere, Jake has a chance to talk to the girl of his dreams. He finds out that she’s not really a creativity director, but a a reporter. Sarina explains that she was fired from her job because she tried to make a case for the existence of magic, and one of the subjects she tried to write about was the Library. Yes, our Library. She also knows about DOSA, and is aware that they are in the camp. If Sarina can find evidence of their investigations, maybe she will also be able to prove that the Library really exists…
As The Librarians 4×07 continues, Jake makes a discovery in the woods. He recovers the video camera belonging to one of the people who disappeared in the midst of the forest. The camera recorded the man being dragged away by climbing plants.
As the Guardian and Librarians share their discoveries, they wonder who is behind the disappearances and why. They decide to start investigating the camp’s leader, Bender, so Jake and Eve sneak into his office while Cassandra and Ezekiel distract him. While looking for clues, Jake and Eve have a little discussion about how Eve is trying to fill the void left by Flynn. And it looks like Jake is right – Eve admits her frustration over Flynn leaving without saying a word. They also make a discovery inside Bender’s office: a list of the people who have disappeared from the camp. Is Bender behind all this?
Jake wants to tell the truth about his identity to Sarina, but before he can do it, he is abducted by the forest. He disappears, just like the other people before him.
Sarina alerts Eve and the other Librarians, who meet her in the forest. Jenkins comes to the rescue with some intel: The area is called the Devil’s Forest, and people have been vanishing from it for at least 100 years. So unless Bender is immortal, he can’t be responsible.
Jenkins also explains that Native Americans believe there is a central tree from which all forests were derived. If that tree falls, all the forests of the world will die. The group realizes that the woods around the central tree have come to life to protect the tree from potential dangers, ergo the disappearances.
The Librarians and DOSA join forces to try to save Jake. They manage to locate the central tree and make a shocking discovery: Jake is trapped inside of it. They can see his features and hear his voice. The tree is talking to them via Jake.
It seems that the central tree knows Eve – it’s calling her by name, and that’s because Jake is with it, with all the trees. Eve tells the tree/Jake to tell her something that only Jake would know, to prove that he’s in fact in there. The reply is that it’s not her fault if Flynn is gone, as she’s done nothing wrong and has nothing to prove to anyone. Jake tells her, “We are a team. We will always be.”
The central tree chose Jake to talk to the humans because although the languages of trees and humans are very far apart, a linguist who speaks 64 dialects could bridge the gap. The tree says that should this forest die, all forests will die after it, so it must be protected and preserved. The trees give Eve the so-called Zero Seed, which must be guarded at all costs since it has the power to reconstitute forests. DOSA agrees to work to keep the forest’s area protected forever. With this promise, the central tree lets Jake go back to his friends, and all the other trees release the people they had abducted.
With normality and the team restored, Jake has one final thing to do before The Librarians 4×07 ends. He decides to show Sarina the Library. She is stupefied, of course, and tells Jake she can’t wait to write all about it. She figures Jake is a Librarian, and he warns her not to write about the Library – not ever. Jake explains he showed her the Library because he wanted her to know she’s not crazy as everybody thought she was when she got fired, but the Library must remain a secret between them. No one should know about it. He also explains that the Library is the reason they cannot be together. The Library is his life, and he has chosen it – it’s his destiny.
What did you think of The Librarians 4×07, “The Disenchanted Forest”?
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