Source: FX
Ally is back with one goal: get her son back. And there is nothing of the fearful woman we used to know left in her; she is ready for a fight.
Read on for our recap of American Horror Story: Cult 7×09, “Drink the Kool-Aid”.
Kai keeps on his terror strategy and thus manages to keep approving motions that he alone thinks are useful to the community. The other councilmen are too terrorized to intervene.
He then proceeds to make an announcement: he has decided to run for United States Senate in 2018.
In the meantime, Ally is asking Ivy some overdue explanations. She demands answers on why did she had to join a cult, why Kai. Ivy’s response is that back at the time she felt helpless, out of control, with a wife struggling with her health, a job that was demanding but not rewarding. She needed someone to take control for her, to make the decisions.
Ally is taking none of Ivy’s excuses, though. People died also because of her, and Ivy admits it was stupid and weak of her to succumb to Kai the way she did. Ally tells her wife she joined the cult to get her out because she has to save Oz first of all, but she’s not going to leave his mother behind.
After a few moments, Winter comes back home with Oz. Ally can finally see her son again, and after promising him that she’s never going to leave him again, proceeds to show him a gift: a comic book about Twisty the clown. Oz is surprised his mom is not afraid to look at a clown anymore, but Ally has definitely changed. She appears more determined and fearless than ever.
Winter is now convinced, after seeing Kai kill his own brother, that she and all the other women still alive must leave the cult. They have to run away.
Just as the three women have agreed on fleeing the city without looking back, Kai’s army pounds at their door. Kai wants to meet.
At Kai’s headquarters, he demands all the men and women of his cult to drink his Kool-Aid. Literally, not figuratively. He reassures them that they will all come back as greater beings, ready for his senatorial run. But when the first of his men shows skepticism and refuses to drink the Kool-Aid, Kai has him killed.
Beverly is the first to drink, followed by Ivy, Ally, and Winter.
Only after a few moments, everyone in the room realizes there was nothing in the Kool-Aid. How could a dead man run for Senate? It was a test, though. All those who drank Kai’s Kool-Aid passed it. They are worthy of being his followers.
The next day, Ally and Ivy are still plotting their escape. As soon as Oz is out of school, they will leave and never look back.
But as the mothers go to school to pick their son up, they find out someone has already come. It was Winter.
Indeed, Oz is now with Kai, who proceeds to make him drink a special kind of Kool-Aid. He convinces Oz that he is, in fact, his dad. And it might be true. Kai has been a donor at the clinic where Ally and Ivy went to conceive their son.
After an initial attempt to bring Oz away, it’s clear the kid is now convinced Kai is his daddy and wants to spend time with him. Ally and Ivy are forced to leave their son with Kai and Winter, who tries to assure them Oz will be all right.
As roles seem now reversed, Ally is now the one with a steady mind and a plan to bring back Oz once and for all. For the moment, as long as Kai thinks he really is the boy’s father, Oz won’t be at risk. But they have to act fast.
Back at home, Ally cooks dinner for Ivy, pours her some special wine, saying that that night they start over. As Ivy has a sip of the wine, Ally starts to tell her how much she suffered, how desperate she was when her own wife wouldn’t let her see her son. She says she almost thought about suicide but eventually decided to fill that hole inside of her with something else. Instead of despair, revenge. On Ivy. Ivy, who ruined their lives by taking Kai and Winter into what seemed to be a happy marriage. Revenge is what cured her of her fears.
Ivy is not taking any of it, though. She calls Ally a coward. Eventually, she says, she is sure the fears will come back.
After announcing to her wife that she will never be afraid of her, Ivy starts to feel dizzy. Ally the coward proceeds to inform her that she has poisoned her wine with arsenic.
Ally watches her wife’s last painful moments.
The next day, Ally goes to the clinic where Oz was conceived, asking for information about the donor. Even though the nurse affirms she cannot disclose that information, eventually with a little cash persuasion she agrees. Ally is relieved to find out Kai is not Oz’s biological father.
As American Horror Story: Cult continues, Ally invites Kai over for dinner. She candidly confesses to him that she has killed Ivy. She tells him she had to kill her because Ivy wanted to murder Kai, but Ally admits a son needs his father. With regards to it, she shows him a file in which it appears Kai is Oz’s biological father. Ally proceeds to pour on Kai a series of flattering words, how he and he alone had to be the right donor. Divine intervention brought us together, Ally says to a stupefied Kai. He now believes that Oz is his messiah baby, destined for greatness.
After the prophetic revelation, Kai is on cloud nine and more than willing to help Ally dispose of Ivy’s body.
Finally, Ally has reached her goal: her son is back in her arms.
How will she dispose of Kai now, though?
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