Source: FX
Beverly, Ivy, and Winter are not happy with Kai being the only one in command. They decide to take the matter into their own hands, with the help of a mysterious woman.
Read on for our recap of American Horror Story: Cult 7×07, “Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag”.
The seventh episode of American Horror Story: Cult introduces us Valerie Solanas (Lena Dunham). Solanas was a radical feminist and author, who attempted to murder Andy Warhol in 1968. At the beginning of the episode, we meet Solanas while she buys bullets, and in a flashback we see her fighting with Warhol (Evan Peters) over a script she demands to be given back. Warhol says he can’t find it anymore. Valerie is also utterly upset after Warhol claims women can’t be real artists. Later, armed with a gun, she finds him and shots him, not fatally.
Back to the present day, all news channels are talking about the mass shooting happened at the end of last week’s episode. We find out cameras have filmed Meadow shooting Kai and a lot of other people, while Ally was taken in police custody as a suspect involved in the shooting.
In the meantime, Harrison has released a speech in which he mentions Meadow’s hate towards Kai since she was a fervent Clinton’s supporter. He justifies her actions as politically motivated. As a result, Kai becomes a local hero, thus winning the elections for city council.
Everything is going as planned.
A few days after the elections, Beverly meets with Kai, and she’s not happy about his plans. Kai wants to give the people what he promised them: order and stability. The murders will have to stop for the people to keep on supporting him. Beverly doesn’t agree, and she feels like Kai is the only one with the power at the moment. It doesn’t look like the equal power he promised her back when she joined his cult.
Later that night, Beverly meets with a woman named Bebe Babbitt (Frances Conroy). Bebe had approached Beverly a few hours before, inviting her to meet later and talk.
A few hours later, Beverly brings Bebe to meet Ivy and Winter. Beverly says Bebe wants to help them. Kai had promised them an equal seat at his table, but that’s not happening. Women are once again pushed aside.
As American Horror Story: Cult continues, Bebe starts to talk about the love of her life, Valerie Solanas. She reveals that the killer known as the Zodiac who killed young couples was, in fact, Valerie and her group of friends. Their mission was to send a message, by killing men and women who succumbed to them without a fight.
Eventually, as Bebe recalls, Valerie’s cult fell apart as she succumbed to schizophrenia and died alone.
As Bebe recalls those facts, she warns Winter, Ivy, and Beverly that they will end up like Valerie if they don’t act.
A few days after the secret meeting, Kai talks to Winter. He tells her she’s family, and he needs her support for the battles to come. Winter assures him that she’s by his side, and that’s when Kai pulls out a copy of “Scum Manifesto”, the radical feminist manifest written by Valerie Solanas, that he found in Winter’s room.
Kai thinks it’s a great work, and that he could actually write something similar. He tells his sister he could call his manifesto “MLWB: Men Lead, Women Bleed”, and tells Winter the title was actually Harrison’s idea.
One night, Harrison meets Ivy at her restaurant thinking there will be a party in Kai’s honor. Instead, he only finds Winter, Beverly, and Bebe. He is the guest of honor in a unique kind of party. A party he’s not going to leave alive.
Days later, Beverly reports for the local news that the corpse of Harrison has been found covered in scum. Kai is watching the news, the copy of “Scum Manifesto” by his side, as Beverly emphasizes how Kai’s promise of law and order has not been kept.
Finally, enter yet another twist in the plot. Kai is not alone while watching the news. Bebe sits by his side. Kai comments: “They’re at their best when they’re angry”, to which Bebe fully agrees.
Bebe working with Kai means that Beverly, Ivy, and Winter are still being manipulated by the master puppeteer?
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