We caught up with smart guy Tahj Mowry to get the scoop on his music career and what’s coming up for his Baby Daddy character, Tucker Dobbs, ahead of the show’s summer premiere.
What is Tucker going to be up to in the premiere episode and what’s in store for your character as the season continues?
Tahj Mowry: This opening episode is very hilarious. It’s not a hilarious situation, but you know Baby Daddy always finds a way to make something funny. Their elderly neighbor passes away and the only thing Tucker’s worried about is getting everything out of her apartment that she promised she would give him when she died. Meanwhile, Riley moves back home and then all the boys end up going to Jersey to go get her, and it’s just a huge debacle.
Related to that, there are a lot of ups and downs between Ben, Riley and Danny and their love triangle – what’s on the horizon for Tucker in the romance department?
We saw a little bit of love with the whole Christine thing, and we’ll see Christine come back, so definitely some more love for sure. Later on in the season, we get to learn a little bit more about Tucker in general – stuff he does that we haven’t seen before, and there are lots of surprises later on in the season with his character specifically. We’re just going to keep diving deeper and pulling all these layers off of Tucker, because he has a lot of them.
What are your hopes for Tucker as the show progresses? Is there anything you would love to film or a particular direction you’d like to see your storyline go?
I love playing Tucker. I just love how layered he actually is. His family life is a little crazy, so I would just like to see more of [that] – maybe the relationship with his mother because we saw the relationship with his father. I love seeing Tucker doing his thing at work, and like I said, we get to learn a little bit more about the other things Tucker does for work in the rest of this season, which is really awesome. And Tucker needs some lovin’ too!
Speaking of the relationships within the show, everyone loves Tucker’s relationship with Bonnie. Can we expect to see more of that?
Oh, yeah! Him and Bonnie are always going to be the dynamic duo that they are and there will always be Tucker and Bonnie drama because they both think they know everything and they both hate each other but they both secretly love each other. They do care for each other, so when they’re together, it’s funny because they don’t want to listen to one another but they do love each other, so I just love every scenario of those two together because it’s always a blast.
You guys had some great guest stars last season. What can you tell us about any returning faces and also brand new guest stars as well?
We’ve got some great ones this season: Christa B. Allen from Revenge; the awesome, amazing, beautiful Reba McEntire; Brian Tee. Derek and I love him because we love action movies and he was in Jurassic Park, so we’re obsessed with Brian Tee! We’ve got Eddie Cibrian, who’s fricking awesome. That’s my dude, that’s my buddy. We’ve got some really cool people this season.
What are you most excited for fans to see in the upcoming season?
There’s a flash mob episode toward the end of the season that’s fricking amazing. It involves all of us and a whole lot of other people [including] the super-talented Peter Porte, so that’s going to be insanely awesome. And I’m excited about the Vegas episode where we go to Vegas because we learn a little bit more about Tucker’s life in that episode. Those are the two I’m most excited about – and obviously the Reba McEntire episode.
Separate from the show, congratulations on your new single, Flirt!
Thank you so much!
How has it been for you to release your new music?
It’s been a dream come true honestly. I’ve been wanting to do this for years and years and years, and to be able to do the two things that I love – acting and singing – at the same time is truly a blessing, and to see the reaction from people and fans and new fans has been nothing but positive and I’m just so stoked and it’s like a new venture in my life and I’m excited to be able to perform more and I’m excited for my EP to come out in August and then I’m going to come out with an album after that, so I’m just really excited for people to hear more.
Do you have any plans down the line to tour when you’re not filming?
Oh, definitely. The EP comes out in the summer and I’ll probably start my tour while I’m filming, because we do get weeks off. It’ll be sort of an elongated tour because I’ll be working, obviously, but definitely a tour – that’s a must. I’m on my promo tour now; I did some East Coast stuff and I’m on my West Coast tour now, doing radio shows and all the news stations and performing and stuff, and people are loving it.
Check out our interview with Tahj’s co-star, Jean-Luc Bilodeau, and tune in to the summer premiere of Baby Daddy tonight at 8:30/7:30c on ABC Family!
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