Bay is not having much luck this week in the relationship department but hey at least John and Kathryn are back on track.
Read on for our recap of season 3 episode 9 of Switched at Birth: “The Past (Forgotten-Swallowed)”.
John and Kathryn may be back together but Kathryn is in dire need of additional sexy stories for her new 50 Shades of Grey-esque book she’s writing. Why can’t her and John just create their own stories? They come close when John invites an old baseball buddy over for dinner. Unfortunately, this guy is no longer that wild and crazy but him and his wife aren’t exactly boring. Somehow, John and Kathryn end up giving them the impression they want to swing. That’s an awkward way to end the evening. John is forced to tell Kathryn about a night where he slept with three different girls in one night. You dog!
Speaking of, Mary Beth is still really not over the whole “dog fight” thing with Tank’s fraternity. She’s not happy that Bay is still dating Tank and she ends up doing that frigid friend thing and it’s the first thing that has made me dislike Mary Beth since her debut. Tank had no control over what happened and he did help put a stop to it. Not caring, Mary Beth blows up at Bay and tells her the truth about Ty: He never cheated on her.
“Ty is 10 times the guy Tank will ever be.”
Obviously in shock and more than a little confused, Bay runs to Emmett for advice. They’re really struggling to keep him relevant this season. Emmett is team Tank and Bay goes to talk to him. Unfortunately, when one of Tank’s frat buddies comes into the room, Bay lets slip that she knows about the dog fight and subsequently gets Tank in trouble.
Speaking of irrelevance, Toby struggles with finding his place (both in life and on this show) when his wife Nikki wants him to come stay with her in Peru. Turns out he’s a good teacher and a good coach when he has to help tutor Sharee in Physics. Could teaching be in his future?
Daphne helps put together a fundraiser for her clinic. This is a big night for her as the doctor agrees to arrange a meeting with someone that can get Daphne into a Summer program. She becomes frustrated when Angelo and his daughter burst onto the scene. Angelo tries to include himself but he gets a little too eager in wanting to promote his restaurant.
I understand her frustrations, but Daphne seems to just be annoyed the attention isn’t on her. At the same time, Angelo could be making a bigger effort with Daphne. Their relationship has always been so strained. At the end of the day, after blowing up at him during the party, Angelo tells Daphne he has three daughters and I’m happy they seem to be bonding.
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