After Captain Holt berates Jake for being idiotic and abandoning his work with five minutes to spare, Jake reveals that his hair-brained schemes were actually to distract Captain Holt from his true plan–using his fellow detectives to break into the office, pick the locks, get Captain Holt’s fingerprints to deduce his safe code digits, and then retrieving the medal. Jake reveals that he bribed the detectives by agreeing to do all their paperwork for the night, which has now transferred to a losing Captain Holt.
Meanwhile, Santiago and Boyle go on “costume duty” to bust drug deals at a warehouse party. Boyle loves Halloween, but Santiago hates everything about the holiday, calling it “Christmas for jerks.” Santiago ends up underfoot at a sloppy rave, getting covered in spilled alcohol and other suspect substances; after having had enough, she tricks Boyle by having the inept Officer Hitchcock to take her place in the skeleton costume. Boyle shows disappointment in Santiago, since he considers Halloween duty a way for them to bond; to make up for her stubbornness, Santiago gets the department to dress up for a pub crawl to accompany Charles in his Mario Batali costume (while Captain Holt does their paperwork, natch).
Meanwhile, Diaz is revealed to have gone to Catholic school and Jeffords tries to get to the bottom of her expulsion, but finds that she left school with an impeccable record. Diaz reveals that she transferred to American Ballet Academy, and after apprehending a large suspect, further reveals that she got kicked out of ballet school for beating up her classmates.
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