First things first. Puck is in love with Shelby. I am surprisingly not as creeped out by this as I probably should be. Maybe it’s because I know Mark isn’t 18 in real life. Maybe it’s because Puck is hilarious and adorable when he’s in love with someone and not doing it for money by the pool.
His newfound love for his teacher results in a Hot For Teacher mashup. It sets the tone for a night full of mashups. My favorite! Puck tells Shelby the truth about what Quinn has done and what she’s been up to. When Quinn shows up to her house again, Shelby lets her have it. It’s beautiful.
Will and Shelby want to focus the divided glee clubs on performing instead of bullying. They propose a mash-off competition while singing a You and I mash-up. I’d be more worried about the bullying going on in this school. It’s clearly still not under control. Santana is a raging bitch and bully and her targets this week are Finn and poor Rory. Finn challenges her to a game of dodgeball and everyone sings Hit Me With Your Best Shot/One Way Or Another. She probably thinks Finn is used to it but what did Rory do to deserve being hit so many times with a dodgeball that he starts to bleed? Just because he’s Irish? That’s ridiculous. Why is she never getting called out on how she’s acting? More on that later.
Rachel asks Shelby for a recommendation for NYADA and realizes she has a better chance than Kurt at getting in. During the presidential debate after Brittany is done being an idiot, Kurt talks about his platform and is the only serious contender. Rachel is next and withdraws, telling the entire class to vote for him. Yay! They’re friends again. Spin off <3. The New Directions give a salute to old guys who always stick together and perform I Can’t Go For That and You Make My Dreams Come True as their competition song. Finn is so great in this scene. Santana goes up to Finn in the hallway to apologize and just ends up insulting him more. It’s obvious she doesn’t regret a thing. Rory tries to defend him (I love their bromance!) but she just starts in on him as well. She gets so horrible that Finn snaps and tells her she’s just a coward lashing out at everyone else because she’s too afraid to come out of the closet. He wasn’t yelling it or anything but his reply to her was loud enough that someone else heard it. The info is leaked to Sue’s political campaign as a reason not to vote for Sue because she accepts Santana as a lesbian. Santana is crushed because her family doesn’t know yet. During their Adele mash-up (which is amazing by the way) Santana loses it and slaps the crap out of Finn. If I didn’t dislike Santana so much, that slap would be pretty amazing. What Finn did was wrong but Santana’s actions shouldn’t be excused. I recall her threatening to out Karofsky as well. That doesn’t mean she deserved to be outed but she needs to understand that she can’t bully people the way she does. It’s not “fierce” and it’s not funny the way her bullying is glamorized just because she’s Santana. Wasn’t she on an anti-bullying group last season? Sigh. Glee. Funniest Quotes of the Night:
Rory: You’re skinny like all the crops on your farm failed.
Puck: Reason number 1: You’re hot. Number 2? I’m hot.
Also, you guys should all check out our exclusive interview with Emily Vasquez from The Glee Project!
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