One Tree Hill’s Bethany Joy Galeotti asked Lucy Hale of Pretty Little Liars 20 questions. This is a cute interview! Fans of the show should definitely check it out. Lucy’s favorite scent is vanilla and would choose baking over cooking. I’m sensing a yummy pattern here.
1 Were you named after anyone? My grandmother. My birth name is Karen Lucille, but I’ve always gone by Lucy. Must be a southern thing.
2 Do you like your own handwriting? Sure. Just handwriting right?
3 What would your superpower be if you could choose one? Ability to be a fly on the wall.
4 Are you an Optimist or Pessimist? I would like to say I’m very optimistic, but I’ve definitely had those moments when I expected the worst. I’m sort of training myself to always wish and hope for the best.
5 What do you collect? Shoes. My biggest addiction.
6 What movie would your friends be surprised that you like? I don’t think my friends would be surprised by anything I do. I’m so all over the place hah.
7 What are your favorite smells? Anything with vanilla. All my candles…vanilla. Every perfume I have has vanilla scents in it. I love anything that smells like someone has been baking in the kitchen.
8 Coffee or Tea? Coffee, hands down.
9 Wine or Beer? Wine. White wine.
10 What is the best thing you’ve ever eaten? (Where?) It’s called a butter cake at Mastroes in Beverly Hills. It tastes like exactly what it’s called. Just heavenly.
11 Mac or PC? Mac
12 What are you listening to right now? I am loving Mat Kearney and this band called Scars on 45 at the moment.
13 What career would you pursue in another life? A stylist. I love creating an outfit from scratch.
14 What sound or noise to you love? My favorite is the faint sound of The TV when I’m falling asleep. Or genuine laughter.
15 What sound or noise do you hate? The loud muffler sounds of a car or motorcycle.
16 Mountains or Beach? Beach
17 Cook or Bake? Bake
18 Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself? One of my favorites things is to go to movies by myself, but I always love company at restaurants.
19 What is your favorite fairy tale or childhood story? The Wizard of Oz. There is something so magical about a naive girl thrown into a world unlike her own and then finding her way to what she wants. I loved the friends Dorothy made along the way and the struggles that she went through.
20 What would you tell the 13 year old you? People are going to talk and people will hurt you, but always stay true to who you are. Kill em with kindness.
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