Person of Interest Season 2 Premiere: The Contingency – Recap
The wait is over for Person of Interest fans! Finally, the season 2 premiere of the hit drama has arrived and we couldn’t be more thrilled that we can finally talk about it! With Finch still missing, Reese must adapt to life without his buddy and find a way to bring him home with or without the help of The Machine.
The season premiere was fantastic. It has the perfect balance of action, comedy, flashbacks, and bad-assery. If the rest of the season is anything like the hour we just saw, we’re in for one hell of a ride.
Recap of The Contingency:
The episode begins about a millisecond after the season one finale left off. Reese answers the phone and hears a bunch of code. Back at the library, he struggles to piece it all together. Without Finch, he doesn’t know where to begin. He realizes that the code reveals a clue, hidden amongst all the books. The Dewey Decimal System is how the Machine gives Finch his numbers. That library suddenly makes a whole lot more sense.
The number takes him to a shady bar where Miles from Lost a guy named Leon is in the middle of a negotiation with some heavily armed men. If he’s not there to help him find Finch, who is he? Just another number to save. Reese realizes that he was The Contingency all along. He’s meant to continue rescuing people no matter where Finch ends up.
Leon is passed back and forth between John, Lionel, and the bad guys. I am loving this dynamic between Lionel and Reese in this episode. The jokes just write themselves. The bad guys have a dog that only listens to Reese. When he’s done shooting kneecaps, he takes the dog with them. New team member! Everyone, meet Bear.
Fed up with the Machine’s rules, Reese gives it an ultimatum and challenges it to its own game. He refuses to save anyone until he helps him find Finch. It’s a negotiation that will be taking them on a road trip to Texas in search of Root. I wonder what Carter and Reese listen to on the road? Like, what’s their ideal playlist?
Flashback to before Finch was limping and the Machine is still a baby. Harold is training it and testing its capabilities. He even takes it to a casino. Is this how Harold made his billions? When the Machine can’t help itself and saves Finch from a drunk driver, Harold decides he needs to lay some ground rules. I almost thought we were gonna see how he got his limp. Not yet I guess.
Back in the present, Root is crazy. She grabs a razor blade in a pharmacy and slices open poor Harold’s hand to distract the pharmacist so she can steal some pills. She then uses the pills to make some poor lady in a restaurant overdose. We don’t learn much about this woman other than the fact she’s cheating with a married man. Is that Root’s husband? How long will Harold be safe? Will Caroline succeed in freeing the Machine?
Funniest Quotes of the Night:
John: I don’t have any friends :(. Just the one.
Lionel: *hey! face*
John: Okay, maybe two.
Lionel: I never thought I’d see the day where you almost lose.
John: I wasn’t losing, I was resting.