Credit: Freeform/Ron Tom
The Fosters 4×13 opens with Stef looking pissed as fuuuuuck, and there’s a whole plethora of potential explanations for her less-than-stellar mood. Is she mad about Mariana’s drug use, Jude’s drug use, Callie’s deja juvie situation, or Brandon’s academic fraud? Read on for our recap of The Fosters 4×13, “Cruel and Unusual,” to find out.

Credit: Freeform/Tony Rivetti
In last week’s episode, Jesus was put into a medically induced coma to let the swelling in his brain go down. Naturally, The Fosters 4×12 features him skateboarding around a Wacky Dreamscape™ in his hospital gown while Stef and Lena sit by his bedside and the rest of their unruly brood continue to wreak various types of havoc. Read on for our recap of The Fosters 4×12, “Dream A Little Dream.”

Credit: Freeform/Eric McCandless
In the final scene of The Fosters 4A, a protective Jesus attacked Nick to save his sister, and was knocked unconscious for his trouble. The Fosters 4×11 picked up moments later and took us on the 42-minute roller coaster we’ve learned to expect from this show. Read on for our full recap of The Fosters 4×11, “Insult to Injury.”

Credit: Freeform/Gilles Mingasson
Remember the foster reform bill Justina was championing in The Fosters season 3, with Callie as poster girl? We haven’t heard much about it since Callie exposed the connection between Justina’s organization and for-profit company Arbiter in the season 3 finale, but the story line resurfaces in The Fosters 4×10. In fact, you could say it’s the linchpin of the episode. Justina’s bill is now a ballot measure, and a counter-bill called Jack’s Law has been created to stop people from voting in its favor. The only problem is that Jack’s Law needs 500,000 signatures of support to get on the state ballot, so the Fosters set up a booth at local music festival BayFest to help out. Needless to say, drama ensues. Read on for our recap of The Fosters 4×10, “Collateral Damage.”

Credit: Freeform/Giovanni Rufino
The Fosters 4×09 begins with a sentence that silences Stef and Lena’s bickering kids (minus Brandon) and shocks viewers: “Mama and I are filing for divorce.” This bombshell is incongruously followed by the show’s soothing theme song. Stef! Lena! Don’t you remember this is right where you BELOOOONG? Then we’re promptly transported 36 hours back in time, with the divorce announcement left hanging in the air. Well, we’re two minutes into this episode and I already need a Xanax. Read on for our recap of The Fosters 4×09, “New York.”