Good Morning America continues their pop dominated lineup this week with an appearance and performance by Lady Gaga. The singer turned up to perform a Wizard of Oz themed version of her hit single “Applause.” I’m not a fan of the new nose ring but I thought she looked and sounded great in this one.
Watch the video of her performance here:

What a week for pop music huh? Following a string of leaks that released to the world both Katy Perry‘s new single “Roar” and “Applause” by Lady Gaga, fans have been jamming at this new influx of music to digest and enjoy. Now, I have listened to both songs multiple times and was prepared to hate both of them. I’ve been a fan of Gaga since she was just starting to become famous so I’ve missed her old sound a lot. I didn’t care much for “Burqa” when it leaked and I just assumed her new music would contain the same level of pretentious nonsense as “Born This Way.” I think Gaga has a fantastic voice but when she deliberately sings in odd voices and gives deeper social meanings to her songs when it really isn’t necessary, it can get disappointing. I expected more of the same from “Applause.”