Watch Pretty Dirty Secrets: A Reunion – Recap and Video
In case you forgot to check out the latest installment of Pretty Dirty Secrets, the spin-off webisode from Pretty Little Liars, you can watch it now here! The episode A Reunion is a lot more interesting than the 60 seconds of nothing that we got for the first webisode. The good thing is that it’s longer than 1 minute. The bad? It’s less than 3. Comment if you agree with me but I really wish they’d make these a little longer. We have such a long break ahead of us until the show returns! Well, at least we get to look at Jason. The clip features him and Cece arguing in the Halloween store about her involvement with Ali. It also features a very mysterious phone call. Toby is that you?
Watch the video and check out the recap here:
The clip opens with Jason walking around the store and making demands from someone on the phone who isn’t being swift about something. “Soon isn’t good enough. Soon went out the window as soon as you cashed that check.” Could this be who he paid off for information about Ali? And judging by the fact Jason calls them “you little..” I’m going to deduce that it’s someone younger than he is. AKA Toby. Although I wish it was Ezra.
In walks Cece who accuses Jason of avoiding her. They have a bad past together blah blah blah. I guess Cece is here to stay.
Jason is sick of her b.s. and basically calls her a monster who turned Ali from a normal bitch in high school to Cece 2.0. Cece throws it back at him with a low blow about his alcohol abuse. Not cool girl.
What did you think of this webisode? Do you with they were longer? Who do you think Jason was talking to on the phone?