Fans eagerly awaiting news on David Archuleta’s career got a treat today when they visited his website. A new layout was in the works informing fans that a new fan friendly website would be launched in 30 days, complete with a countdown to that glorious day. To tide us over, they’ve given a list of his upcoming appearances.
This is so exciting! We’d love to see him in the North East. Will you be seeing David at any of his upcoming appearances?
Screencap of his new site:
Follow David on twitter!
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Three songs from Glee’s new episode next week have leaked!
Listen here:
Edit: Added the Rachel and Quinn duet!
Born This Way
I’ve Gotta Be Me
As If We Never Said Goodbye
What do you guys think?
Just added the Quinn/Rachel duet of I Feel Pretty/Unpretty. So good! They sound great!
I consider this episode to be an answer to us fans who have been complaining about the lack of screen time given to Glee’s under appreciated cast members. The title says it all. A Night of Neglect. The kids need to raise money for their trip to Nationals in New York and Will would like them to sell taffy to do it. This isn’t Atlantic City Will. That’s not going to work. Artie, Brittany, Mike and Tina are all in a trivia club and have won the chance to compete in Detroit. They will also need money. Holly suggests putting together a benefit concert instead, giving the neglected kids of New Directions a chance to shine.
Sue is comfortably plotting the demise of the club yet again and this time has enlisted the help of a small group of Will haters. Her Sue-per villains if you will. The group consists of Dustin, the coach of Vocal Adrenaline, Will’s ex wife, and the former coach of New Directions, Sandy. I appreciate this group of evil doers because I’ve really missed Sandy. Someone put him in a room with Josh Groban please. And Cheyenne Jackson is so underrated. He was one of my favorite things about this episode. Sue asks him to break up Will and Holly but turns out that’s an easy job. When Will learns that Emma and Carl are getting an annulment, he wastes no time letting Emma know how willing he is to polish her grapes. Emma’s OCD is out of control from the stress. Poor girl. Ask Marc Summers for help!
Speaking of characters returning, Sunshine is back. She shows up under the guise of wanting to help New Directions drum up publicity for their benefit with her 600 twitter followers but really, she’s evil. Doesn’t stop her from wanting to out sing all the girls on the show though and she performs All By Myself. Fitting really because she’s not making any friends after not showing up to the benefit. Her character is very confusing to me. Is she just on the show because of her voice? If acting doesn’t matter, where can I start a petition to get David Archuleta on the show? He has a fantastic voice even if he’s awkward.
Lauren encourages Mercedes to demand respect from the rest of the club. Embrace the diva. She begins making ridiculous demands of her fellow glee clubbers if they want her to perform. I don’t really understand how drying your hands on a Pomeranian is practical. I’m looking at mine and it just seems messy. Somewhere before demanding being carried in to the show in an egg ala Gaga, Mercedes has a heart to heart with Rachel over always being outshined by her.
Looks like the kids are playing to an almost empty room. The only people in attendance are Sandy and his group of hecklers. Kurt and Blaine show up as well after having a heated confrontation with Karofsky where Santana Shuts. Him. Down. Damn. Get it girl. Tina is up first singing I Follow Rivers but runs off the stage halfway through in tears from the hecklers. Holly is up next singing one song too many with her choice of Turning Tables. Mercedes then brings the house down with Aretha. She got her respect and isn’t giving it back. Even Sandy falls in love with what he’s hearing. Even though their benefit was a bust, Sandy donates the money they need. I hope he comes back. Someone call Josh Groban.
Funniest Quotes of the Night:
Puck: Is it because two of them are Asian and Artie wears glasses?
Santana: You stay here and I crack one of your nuts. Right or left. That’s your choice.
What did you think of the episode?
..Or attempts to anyway. 🙂 In honor of the 90’s classic tv show Boy Meets World finally getting released on dvd again, I thought I’d dust off this video I took backstage of Kris Allen paying homage to the best show ever.
Find out why Kris believes he’s not as good as Eric Matthews. Video:
Not sure what The Feeny Call is? Educate yourself :P:
Follow Danielle Fishel on Twitter because she’s awesome!
Some very lucky fans got to see Kris Allen at The Viper Room where he debuted a new song! Kris, or should we say his band’s alter ego Sirk and The Dirty Minds, showed that they have the chops to go into country with this song. What do you guys think?
Thanks to Ocamy24 for the fast upload! His fans thank you.
Video here: