Sheldon acts strangely, Leonard turns into red and Raj doesn’t know if he’s ready to see someone who broke his heart. All this in the new episode of The Big Bang Theory: The Itchy Brain Simulation.
Checking into a junkbox, Leonard finds a horrible red sweater offered by his aunt, unfortunately he also finds a DVD he rented on Sheldon’s card 7 years before and forgot to return. Leonard begs Sheldon not to overreact as he always does. Surprisingly he agrees.
Big surprise for the Hobbit’s fans. After a couple of trailers, a sneak peek and several new posters, Warner Bros unveiled the ending song of the upcoming movie The Hobbit : the desolation of Smaug.
The song entitled “I See Fire” made its debut on YouTube earlier this week. Composed and performed by the young British artist Ed Sheeran, the track will appear in the film’s end credits. “I See Fire” is the singer’s first solo song in two years. Through a series of tweets, Sheeran explained how the recording happened, sharing he played all of the instruments “I got the chance to produce and play all the instruments on it apart from the cello. Managed to learn violin for a day, hope you all dig it”. Then he thanked the film’s director Peter Jackson and the production for the chance to be a part of the film which is scheduled for US release on 13 December.
The full soundtrack composed by Howard Shore will be released December 10 but is already available to pre-order on Amazon and iTunes.
Watch and listen: I See Fire
Is it Castle and Beckett’s goodbye kiss?
Since last season finale it was the big fear of all the Caskett fans: will Castle and Beckett break up because of Kate’s job in DC. Surprisingly, the producers made a wonderful choice by sending Kate to DC AND getting engaged to Castle, making all the fans really happy. But soon, the long distance relationship starts to be a bit problematic.
Last week, Castle came back with a big great premiere full of answers, actions, love but also danger especially for Castle who has been intoxicated. So will Castle Die or will he be saved ? Answers right now in our “Dreamworld” recap:
This is the end….all good things must come to an end. And thus, Breaking Bad finished with a big finale putting an end to an emotionally tensed season 5 and to all the disaster Walter White created.