Credit: NBC
“We are each our own devil,
and we make this world our hell.”
Nick, Monroe and Rosalee manage to discover something more about the magical stick that saved Monroe’s life, while Eve is taking the word “investigation” to a whole new level.
Find out what happens in our recap of Grimm 5×16, “The Believer,” and rejoice, Grimm fans: Our beloved show has been renewed by NBC for a sixth season!
At the beginning of Grimm 5×16, Nick and Hank talk to Rosalee and Monroe about the latest news on Dixon’s death. They tell them Eve’s role in finding the assassin, and their suspicions about Renard. Did he know Black Claw was planning to kill Dixon? And did he kill Dixon’s assassin without knowing he was Black Claw? Nick tells them that Eve found a campaign poster in Rachel’s house with Renard’s face on it, and Eve now believes Rachel is Black Claw. They all agree that from now on, they have to be very careful about what they share with Renard.
While they are talking, Monroe receives a call from a professor friend, Krieger. Monroe tells him that he has come across a very old artifact and wants him to take a look at the cloth in which the magical stick was wrapped. Since Monroe can’t tell the truth about its discovery, he simply tells his friend that the cloth was brought to him by his uncle Felix. The professor agrees to run some tests.
Our friends are interrupted when someone arrives at the spice shop: It’s Eve, who tells them about her experiment turning into Renard. She needs their help to know exactly where Renard is, so that she won’t risk meeting him while she is… him. Everyone is obviously shocked just to think about Eve turning into Renard.
Now it’s time to introduce the case of the week in Grimm 5×16. Nick and Hank are called by Wu to investigate the death of a man who worked as security for Dwight Eleazar, a preacher. The dead security guard saw a man taking pictures during a meeting, which is prohibited, tried to stop the man and got assaulted. Nick and Hank talk to Eleazar. He explains that photos and videos are prohibited because what he does is very particular. During his meetings with the people who come seeking his help, he lets himself be possessed by Satan, and then casts Satan out with his faith. Understanding Nick and Hank’s skepticism, Eleazar invites them to assist at his next meeting.
When Nick comes home, he finds Adalind watching a debate on TV – it’s Renard versus his opponent, Gallagher. Adalind is not sure Renard would make a good mayor, and Nick agrees. Adalind asks Nick if there is anything he can do to help her find her daughter, Diana. Nick promises her he will do what he can to find something out.
Back to the investigation that Grimm 5×16 is centered on. Wu manages to track down the man who killed Eleazar’s security guard, Benjamin McCullough. At the precinct, one of the other security guards recognizes him and knows he is part of a group that’s trying to destroy Eleazar. They think he is the devil. Nick and Hank also check out Joan Vark, who is the head of the group Benjamin is part of.
Interrogated by Nick and Hank, Benjamin explains he didn’t want to kill the security guard – it was self defense. He attacked the guard because he thought he took pictures of Eleazar. Benjamin believes Eleazar is the devil, and is stealing money in the name of God.
Wu, Nick and Hank see a video taken by Benjamin in which we can see Eleazar actually transforming into a horrible creature. But our friends know better than to believe that is the devil – more like wesen. And in fact, Monroe and Rosalee confirm their suspicion. It’s wesen all right – a Furis Rubian. They all agree to go to Eleazar’s next meeting.
While Wu is investigating Eleazar at the precinct, suddenly his vision is blurred and he feels a strange pain in his neck. What’s happening to him?
Nick and Hank talk to Eleazar, and Eleazar finally realizes Nick is Grimm. Eleazar tells them the other people who work with him don’t know he’s wesen. He says he’s just using his gift to help people, and he really believes in what he does.
Eve/Renard calls Nick, and tells him to keep the real Renard busy for a couple of hours. She is at his house.
Wu has news about the investigation: Eleazar and Joan were married seven years ago. It lasted 15 months, then Joan found out he had affairs with a couple of parishioners. She thought the devil made him do it, and believes he really is possessed by the devil and wants to stop him. To keep Renard busy as Eve asked, Nick and Hank update him on the case.
Meanwhile Eve/Renard calls Rachel and asks her to meet him at his house. Eve’s intention is to make Rachel talk, but Rachel has other “plans”…
Nick and Hank involve Renard in the investigation. When they arrive at Eleazar’s tent, they find one of his bodyguards dead – it’s suicide. Next to his body is the money Joan gave Benjamin. So the bodyguard was paid to betray Eleazar, but it looks like he couldn’t bear that guilt. Nick, Hank and Renard arrive at Joan’s church to find her and her friends trying to free Eleazar from the devil. They hurt him badly, not knowing he is “just” wesen, and Grimm 5×16 takes a tragic turn when he dies.
The next day, Monroe, Rosalee and Nick meet with Krieger. Krieger analyzes the cloth and finds there’s something written on it in Aramaic and Latin. Back at the spice shop, Nick, Monroe and Rosalee analyze what’s written on the cloth. They decipher the words “Miraculum” (miracle) and “Perikulosum” (dangerous).
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