The best, mysterious, intense, suspenseful, frustration returned tonight on ABC Family. Yes, Pretty Little Liars, our favorite headache is back, complete with a snowy new intro for a Christmas special that is anything but holly or jolly. We’ve got the girls, we’ve got Alison, we’ve got Mona, and of course, we have A, in tonight’s new episode entitled “How The ‘A’ Stole Christmas“. We also have Santa boxers, which is creepy or cute, depending how you look at it.
Read on for our recap of the biggest moments from Pretty Little Liars 5×13 “How The ‘A’ Stole Christmas”.
What is the one thing that Rosewood has too many of? Creepers. Dances! Alison is throwing an ice ball and the whole town is invited. The girls believe Alison killed Mona in the Fatal Finale but, when has anyone in this town ever turned down a shindig where they can wear elaborate costumes and dresses apparently affordable on a teenager’s allowance?!
Hanna is dealing with the loss of her frenemy, Emily is dealing with Paige possibly moving to California, Aria isn’t really dealing with anything, and Spencer is dealing with possible 20 to life. But why not dance?
No but they have a plan. And their plans never fail. Mona has left Hanna a drawing of all of Alison’s hiding places in her house. The girls use the dance as an opportunity to search the place. They find a fake passport Alison has “Just in case”, a set of personals ads that Alison was using to communicate, and a letter from Alison to Bethany, luring her to Rosewood.
Oh, and they find A. With a knife. Or rather, A finds them. Instead of using said knife, A just knocks Hanna out and hides behind a shelf. *shrug*.
Christmas Present
Elsewhere at the party, after Alison shows up with a new group of girls, Emily gets to snooping. Two of her newest minions are Jenna and Sidney. The other two, are two creepy twins who have gotten a makeover and seem to love the idea of doing Alison’s bidding.
CeCe “No One Wants Me On This Show” Drake is back and she brought perfume. And Holbrook is apparently kissing Alison. Another pedo for the pile. The cops in this town are the WORST.
Christmas Past, Christmas Future
Ghostly Mona, looking like she stepped out of a Party City or Hot Topic in a “Gothic Girl” costume, is visiting Alison in her dreams. She shows Alison a memory. Ali as a child, finds Christmas presents of identical dresses. Her mom shows up and coaches her to forget what she saw because she “Doesn’t want Daddy to leave us.” Who was that dress for? The twin? Bethany? All of the above?
Next is her future. She’s dead. And she has no legs. Her mother shows up and says
“They’ll be coming for you soon. I’m sorry.”
Winter Wonder…No.
So, literally every girl and her significant other is trapped at Spencer’s house for Christmas because there’s a terrible blizzard that has stopped all traffic…and apparently walking down the block to get home to your family isn’t an option either. Spencer’s family isn’t invited to Christmas dinner either even though this is their house.
After a grand display of Santa Boxers, the gang walks outside in this terrible blizzard that’s really just an inch of snow that doesn’t even require a coat or sleeves, to see that A has left them all a message.
Merry Christmas, Bitches. -A

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What did you guys think of Pretty Little liars 5×13? Is Alison A? Who is Bethany?
Watch the preview of the new season below:
Pretty Little Liars 5×14 returns January 6th.
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