Credit: NBC
“Foretold our fate, by the gods’ decree
All heard, and none believed the prophecy.”
In Grimm 6×04, Nick and his friends are back at work, Renard is being haunted, and Diana has news for Rosalee and Monroe.
Read on for our recap of Grimm 6×04, “El Cuegle.”
Last episode’s ending showed Renard face to face with Meisner, whom we thought Renard had killed. The captain can’t believe Meisner is right in front of him, but before their conversation can go further, Renard receives a phone call from some angry fellow Black Claw. By the time he’s explained that Nick used a spell to transform into Renard and give a speech saying Renard was stepping down from being the new mayor of Portland, Meisner has disappeared.
In the meantime, at the spice shop, Adalind tries to explain to Diana that they will go and live with Nick for a while. Then, the little girl’s attention turns abruptly towards Rosalee. She tells her that she has more than one baby in her… Congratulations, Rosalee and Monroe!
Like the old times
Finally, Nick is back at the precinct with Hank and Wu. Like the good old times, the team is restored with Renard back as the captain. Even though he’s not too happy about the current situation, he makes a point by warning our friends that he’s still in command of the precinct, and he can still send them away.
As soon as Renard is alone in his office, Meisner suddenly appears. They start an animated conversation, while Nick, Wu, and Hank are startled to see Renard apparently talking to himself. They can’t see Meisner. It’s clear now that Meisner is, in fact, dead, and he is somehow haunting Renard for betraying his trust.
There’s no time to indulge with ghosts, though, as like the good old times, there’s a new case to investigate in Grimm 6×04. A baby named Auggie has been kidnapped from his house. His mother saw him in the arms of a monster before said monster attacked her and disappeared. We should all be familiar enough with Grimm now to understand that a wesen is responsible for the kidnapping, but when Hank, Nick, and Wu talk with Auggie’s parents, the dad is sure his wife is imagining the monster. Auggie’s mother, however, is sure of what she saw: The monster had three eyes and arms.
Meanwhile, Eve is back in the tunnels under Nick’s loft. She retrieves the miraculous stick Nick used to save her life, but as she takes it in her hands, she is thrown away from it. At the same time, Nick, who’s back at the precinct, feels some kind of dizziness.
At the spice shop, Nick and Hank find useful information about the wesen that might have kidnapped baby Auggie. El Cuegle stalks mothers, kidnaps their newborn babies, and keeps the babies for the so-called “Hours of Dread” until he’s certain he can “abort the bad future” by eating them.
As Grimm 6×04 continues, Eve notices that the palm of the hand she used to touch the stick is now marked with a familiar symbol…
Seeing the future
Nick, Hank, and Wu make a step forward in the El Cuegle case when they manage to track down a man who was trying to steal baby medicine from a pharmacy, and who was reported to look like a monster by the pharmacy’s owner. As soon as they burst into his apartment, the man woges into an El Cuegle and attacks Nick. Wu rescues baby Auggie, who is unharmed, while Hank and Nick arrest the culprit.
The same night, Renard is spending some quality time with his daughter Diana. While they are cooking dinner, he asks if she knows what happened to Bonaparte (we know Diana killed him for hurting Adalind). Diana replies that he, Renard, killed him, because Bonaparte hurt her mommy and men shouldn’t hurt mommies. Renard tells her that she should always talk to him if she thinks something bad is happening – like, for example, Nick hurting her mommy. Diana replies that he would be very sorry.
Back at the precinct, Nick and Hank talk to the El Cuegle. He says they don’t understand the real reason why El Cuegles have to do what they do. El Cuegle can see the future of certain babies who are meant to do monstrous things, which is why he has to eat them. According to him, Auggie will grow up very unstable due to his parents’ numerous fights, and will ultimately kill his parents when he is 19.
Nick and Hank seem to believe him, but while they are trying to find evidence to back his story, El Cuegle manages to escape from the precinct. They know he’s going after Auggie to finish what he had to do, but they manage to stop him before he can complete his task. As El Cuegle ends, Nick and Hank listen to Auggie’s parents starting to fight. Was El Cuegle right?
What did you think of Grimm 6×04, “El Cuegle”?
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