Credit: NBC
“I have been bent and broken, but, I hope, into a better shape.”
Is the woman who saved Nick and his friends really Juliette? And if it is Juliette, why did she save their life?
Read on for our recap of Grimm 5×07, “Eve of Destruction.”
Where we left off: Nick and the team were face to face with the power arising under the motto: Occultatum Libera. They tried to kidnap Trubel and now they have set a trap to kill Nick, Monroe and the rest of the team, but a very special guardian angel saved them: Juliette.
Nick is obviously very upset after his “meeting” with Juliette, and he runs home to talk to Trubel about it. Trubel was there the night Juliette died – she killed her – so Nick thinks she might know something. And indeed, Trubel saw that Juliette was actually still alive when Chavez took her. She tells Nick their intention was to break Trubel, to use her as a weapon and turn her into a warrior. And it seems like they succeeded in the end.
In the meantime, Monroe asks Rosalee to bring Xavier (who was kidnapped by the bad guys who forced him to cooperate in setting a trap for Nick and the team) to the spice shop. They all have a lot of questions for him. He tells them that the group’s plan is very simple: take over. Every wesen must join them, or they will be killed. He also shares that the group showed him a picture of Monroe. They seemed particularly interested in his friendship with a Grimm, Nick. Monroe thinks the best thing to do is talk to the Wesen Council to warn them about what’s happening – and he tells Rosalee about Juliette, and how she saved them all.
The only survivor from the group who tried to attack Nick and was killed by Juliette is Billie. While Nick and the team are looking for her, she meets with Lucien, the boss who’s leading the revolution Xavier was talking about. Billie tells him about Juliette, and about how she easily killed them all.
Rosalee manages to speak with the Wesen Council. She reports the attacks, and the mark – the four lines. She is told that that mark is called the “Black Claw.” The Council already knows about the “problem” and is already addressing it, but Rosalee is not at all satisfied with the answer. At least now we know what this Wesen group is called. The Council is reunited to make a decision about how to face the Black Claw, but one of them is part of the group and kills the others – except for Alexander, who calls Rosalee to tell her what happened.
Trubel leaves Nick’s house in the middle of the night to talk to Meisner and ask him why he didn’t tell her Juliette was alive. Meisner tells her he will contact Nick when the right time comes. But will that time be in Grimm 5×07?
Nick and Adalind talk about the whole situation, and Adalind says she wishes she could take everything back, all the bad things she did to him and Juliette. She wonders of this is right, having a baby with Nick. It should have been Juliette’s baby, after all. Nick tells her that he and Juliette had a chance for a normal life, but they didn’t take it. He and Adalind kiss.
Xavier is killed under the police’s custody. While Nick, Hank, Wu and Renard are trying to deal with his death, deciding that from now on they will deal with the Black Claw only outside the precinct, Rosalee and Monroe inform them about what happened to the Wesen Council. Rosalee is sure Xavier knows a lot more, but Hank has to tell her he’s dead. One more scary detail: The Wesen that killed Xavier woged in front of the jailer, not caring at all if he was seen or not. A very dangerous line has been crossed.
While they are talking, Nick receives a message that informs him where to meet Juliette, alone. His friends are not at all happy about it – they don’t trust the “new” Juliette. Nick decides to go alone, and Juliette is indeed waiting for him at a restaurant, but as he sits down with her, she tells him her name is not Juliette – it’s Eve, because she is starting over. She tells Nick she remembers everything about what happened before her “transformation” and she admits that she would have killed him that night.
In the middle of the conversation, Eve stands up, leaves their table, woges into a Hexenbiest and uses her powers to kill another wesen who was about to leave the restaurant. Then, she quietly leaves the place while Nicks has to deal with the wesen’s friends. Nick kills them both and makes it look as if the two attacked the first victim. Right after, Meisner calls to tell Nick the identity of the man killed by Eve: Samuel Rankin, one of the organizers of the Black Claw. Meisner tells Nick this was a test.
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