“No longer a dark, gray bird, ugly and disagreeable to look at, but agraceful and beautiful swan.”
In this new episode of Grimm, “My Fair Wesen”, Nick has to explain to Juliette how he found Trubel, and he asks Juliette to to keep her with them for a little while…
Meanwhile, at a shop, three girls steal some clothes. One of them runs away after almost being caught, the other two bring the stolen clothes to a man.
When the missing girl comes back, the man turns into a wesen and he attacks her.
Nick asks Monroe and Rosalee’s help with Trubel, in order for her to understand that not all wesen are bad.
Trubel goes later with Nick and Hank, who are called to investigate when a body is found by a couple.
The body’s the girl who has been attacked by the wesen, and it’s exsanguinated.
During the investigation, Trubel reveals some details of her past to Nick and Hank.
Her foster parents were killed by a wesen, and she ran away before he could kill her too.
Meanwhile, Adalind goes in a storage unit that belonged to her mother, and finds a book that only opens when drops of blood are used to unlock it. How is Adalind going to use it?
Trubel helps Nick and Hank to find the girl’s killers, two wesen who die, and together they free the other girls who were held captive.
At the end of the episode, we see an old man coughing, holding in his end a key Nick used to know very well. Who is this man?
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