What happens when you can finally put your dark shadow, your only obsession since ten years behind?
What happens when Red John is long gone?
The new episode of The Mentalist, “My Blue Heaven”, shows us life after Red John.
Two years later, we find Lisbon (Robin Tunney) working as chief police officer in Canon River, a quiet small town in Washington.
During the very first scene of the episode, she’s talking with kids in school, explaining the job of a police
officer. She tells them: “there are bad people in the world. Not all but some. And sometimes you have to do
things you don’t want to do, to make sure worst things don’t happen.”
Lisbon receives later a visit from FBI agent Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar), who asks her if she or the other former CBI agents know where Jane is. When he spots a seashell on her desk, he hints that he might know something about Jane’s location.
The seashell is indeed coming from Jane (Simon Baker), who’s now living on a island, and he’s been writing
letters to Lisbon since some time. That’s how the FBI has been able to locate him. Jane had the letters delivered
to Lisbon via his carnie friends.
We see Jane writing a new letter to Lisbon:
“Dear Lisbon,
I hope this finds you well. All’s well here. I have my routines. Weather’s finally turned a little cooler. Far from cold. But the ocean’s still warm. […]
Just yesterday I watched a pod of dolphins playing so close to the shore, I could almost touch them. They’re the kind of things I think you’d enjoy”.
He apologizes also that he left her at the beach the night he met the five Red John suspects (episode 6×06).
He writes her that “You being absent is the one thing that made this new chapter strange and sad”, signing himself as “u no hoo”.
Jane seems to have found some peace in this new environment, even if he has troubles speaking Spanish, and he seems to feel lonely.
So it’s actually a relief when he meets a woman named Kim (Emily Swallow), an American tourist. They start a conversation and they seem to get along very well together.
Meanwhile, a local informs Jane that the FBI is on the island looking for him. Jane decides to go to talk with Abbott, knowing that he can’t arrest him in foreign territory.
Abbott offers him a deal: the FBI is willing to drop all the charges against Jane if he will come back and start
to work for the FBI. Jane says he’s done with that life, but Abbott replies that that life was “a job you were
very good at”. He tells him that he could help a lot of people thanks to his “gift”. Jane refuses the offer one more time.
Meanwhile, Lisbon invites Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) and Van Pelt (Amanda Righeti) over for dinner. As they chat, we learn that the two now run a private security company, and they have a baby girl.
We see then Lisbon reading Jane’s old letters.
Jane spends the evening with Kim, they have dinner and they even go to dance together. As they walk back home,
Jane gets beaten up by a violent drug dealer, Danny Otero, who’s causing trouble in the island. When he wakes
up in the morning, Kim is there, making him tea. She has to leave, but before she tells him something that seems
to shake Jane up: “going back doesn’t have to mean going backwards. It can mean moving on.”
Jane takes a decision. He calls Abbott, and he tells him that he’s willing to go back with him, but on his own terms, one of them is having Lisbon back to work with him. He wants her to be there when he arrives in the US.
Abbott agrees to those terms, but before leaving Jane finds his own way to free the island from the troublemaker Otero, who will be arrested by the FBI during a drug meet.
Jane leaves the island and arrives in Austin, Texas, at the FBI headquarters. He meets Cho (Tim Kang), who’s now working for the FBI in Austin. And finally, Jane can meet Lisbon. The two share a sweet hug, and Lisbon asks Jane why she’s in Austin.
Abbott arrives to explain the situation. Despite Jane’s requests (among them, Lisbon finally learns, the request
of working with her), he says that Jane will have to work for the FBI for at least five years if he wants the charges to be dropped. He will have to accept Abbott’s deal otherwise he will have to face a FBI detention.
And we finally learn that Kim is Agent Kim Fisher, who’s ready to escort Jane in jail.
What is Jane going to do now? We’re going to find that out next Sunday with a new episode of The Mentalist.
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