The final chapter of American Horror Story Cult will finally reveal if Kai is really strong enough to win and finalize his plan.
Read on for our recap of American Horror Story: Cult 7×11, “Great Again”.
A look into the future.
2018. Maximum security prison of Jackson, MI. Kai is in jail since 11 months, wasting no time and recreating his own cult behind bars. His plan is simply to wait safely until it’s time to strike, while women out there are destroying the world outside.
How did Kai end up in jail?
A look into the past.
Kai was planning to kill a hundred women who were ready to give birth to their children, as part of his plan to destroy his opponent, Senator Jackson. Any more killings connected with Planned Parenthood, as happened in the previous episode, will be on the senator’s hands. As the most vulnerable will become a target, Kai will be the one who will bring what the current administrators couldn’t: safety in the community after such a terrible act.
Meanwhile, Ally is following his every move, apparently supporting him. She reveals to him what we learned at the end of last week’s episode, that the spy inside the cult wasn’t his sister, but one of his men. Kai is utterly upset, he’s killed his own sister over nothing, but Ally tells him this is an opportunity to channel his rage and finish what he has started, like she wanted him to.
The following night, while Kai’s men are ready to perpetrate his plan, Ally has one of her own and it’s called FBI. All this time, she was spying and setting a trap. Finally, it’s the time for the FBI to take down Kai’s cult. And so they do, bringing Kai behind bars.
Sometime later after Kai’s arrest, Ally is running her restaurant successfully. One night, she meets Beverly who informs her that Kai has pled guilty to all charges. He waives a trial so he can save himself from the death penalty, that’s how Ally sees his decision.
Beverly tells Ally one more particular. Kai took credit for all the killings, except Ivy’s. Ally doesn’t flinch and says it’s absurd. Kai killed Ivy in front of her. Beverly claims she believes her.
After exchanging their stories, Ally proceeds to present to Beverly her new girlfriend Erika, who is a chef at the restaurant. Sounds familiar?
One night, while celebrating Oz’s birthday, Ally receives a call from Kai. He has received news that Oz is not his son and is enraged. Ally only infuriates him more by stressing how over he is. Kai yells that he will get away with his new army, and he will come for her.
Following the phone call, one night Kai is watching the news on tv and that’s how he learns that Ally is running for the office of United States Senator from the state of Michigan.
While she’s getting ready for a debate against her competitor, Ally receives the news that Kai was found dead that same day.
Ally is ready to confront her counterpart, and the debate seems to be going very well for her. Until Kai appears among the public. He had managed to escape after all, with the help of a female prison guard, who is with him even now. Kai managed to subjugate her too, or so it appears.
As soon as he reveals himself, Kai takes the stage. The police keep him in the sight while he yells Ally that he will kill her: women can’t win.
As he is about to shoot her, he realizes that there are no bullets in the gun. Turns out that his friend prison guard wasn’t his friend after all.
In a flashback, we see Ally talking to her, convincing her that Kai is not the illuminated leader she thinks he is.
Back to the stage where Ally and Kai are face to face, Kai is surrounded by the women he thought he could tame. And one of them kills him: Beverly, who appears on stage behind his back and shoots him.
Finally, we learn that Ally is now Michigan’s new Senator.
The last few seconds of the final episode of American Horror Story: Cult shows us Ally getting ready for a meeting. She fixes her makeup and proceeds to wear a… hood. As those ones you usually wear in a cult. Is she to become the new Valerie Solanas after all?
What did you think of American Horror Story: Cult 7×11, “Great Again”?
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