Credit: Angus Young/Freeform
Ahead of Monday night’s Guilt finale, we chatted with stars Daisy Head (Grace) and Billy Zane (Stan) about what to expect from the intense twists and turns in the concluding episode.
Read on for our exclusive interview with Billy Zane and Daisy Head below.
So to start off, this question is for both of you: With the trial not going well for Stan or Grace, what can we expect from the Guilt finale? In a show filled with twists and turns, are the biggest surprises yet to come?
Daisy Head: Absolutely. We find out who killed Molly in the first 15 minutes, so you have the rest of the episode which is full to the max with lots of exciting turns of events.
Billy Zane: Patrick is still gunning for Theo. We’ve got Kaley reaching out to the prince. More evidence [is] being uncovered that leads to, uh… *laughs* we have to be so cagey, don’t we? Twists and turns abound. There’s sure to be jaw-dropping revelations.
Billy, Stan has been supremely confident throughout the season, but with the mountain of evidence against Grace, and his own incarceration and everything that’s happened, is his confidence shaken? How does he handle the situation in the Guilt finale?
Billy Zane: With the same aplomb and bizarre wit that he applies to most situations. He’s certainly a little nervous, but he’s happy to have the implication of Theo revealed to the jury regardless of it being struck from the proceedings and the record. We’ll soon see how he emerges for the next round but I think he’s ultimately satisfied. Stirred not shaken, let’s put it that way.
Daisy, over the course of the season, we’ve seen that Grace has a selfish side and a selfless side. Can you talk a little bit about how those two elements clash when she has to decide whether to go through with escaping from prison and never seeing her sister again?
Daisy Head: Yeah, I think it plays out on screen as it does in her mind. She found herself in deep emotional turmoil throughout the whole season, and when it comes to the boiling point, she kind of lets things boil over and she makes rash and irrational decisions based on sort of fight-or-flight reflexes. She’s always wanted to be able to stand her ground and be able to fight her own battles and ultimately come out on top, but sometimes circumstances surrounding her don’t allow her to do that and she has to flee. So given an opportunity, she suddenly sees it as a golden one, but also lives to regret as she realizes how irrational it is and how ultimately it might – well, it definitely is gonna make her look guilty, whether or not that’s the truth. But, yeah, she does struggle with balancing and finding an equilibrium because she is very hot-headed and she’s feisty.
Credit: Angus Young/Freeform
Billy, of all the outfits you’ve worn in your acting career, how would you rate the barrister’s outfit and wig?
Billy Zane: Um… *laughs* It’s certainly probably the oldest getup I’ve worn. There’s always a degree of whimsy in most of my wardrobe choices. Not the most flattering of lines. Not very slimming, albeit it’s black. The wig is quite itchy and kind of bizarre, although people on social media seem to find it quite fetching, so I can’t complain. I chose wisely. I had to pick between about 15 of them – I made sure I had my pick of all the wigs. That was the most reasonable-looking on my head.
The show has a big social media following, and ahead of the Guilt finale, there’s already a campaign for the show to be renewed for a second season. Where would you both like to see your characters and the episodes go? What are your hopes for the second season?
Daisy Head: To make it as exciting as this one has been, I think. Grace is multifaceted, as the audience has learned to discover throughout the season. I think there could be a lot more to come from her. She’s not a one-trick pony, as it were. She’s definitely got a lot going on, so I would be fascinated to see where life takes her.
Billy Zane: For Stan, we’ve set some of the markers regarding his personal preferences and idiosyncratic style and case preferences and certain decoration in the home and activities, but I’d like to expand upon and see his personal life, his romantic world. I think we’ve thrown a wide net and it would be nice to reel in a few of those fish and see what exactly is revealed. I think that would be fun.
Thank you so much to Billy Zane and Daisy Head for taking the time to chat with us! Be sure to tune in to the Guilt finale when it airs on Freeform tonight at 9/8c!
Keep up to date with Billy Zane by following him on Twitter: @BillyZane.
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