Credit: NBC
“Nothing is so painful to the human mind
as a great and sudden change.”
Wu comes face to face with his worst fears. Will be able to face them? Meanwhile, Adalind has to choose between Nick and Diana. What is she going to do?
Find out in our recap of Grimm 5×19, “The Taming of the Wu.”
As Grimm 5×19 begins, Nick and Hank visit Wu, who is in the hospital after what happened during last week’s episode (he turned into a wolf – and we learned that it might have happened several times already). Wu tells them he doesn’t remember what happened at all. A worried Nick and Hank suspect something is going on, so they decide they will keep an eye on him. Right after Nick and Hank leave the hospital, a man approaches Wu’s room and makes a phone call, telling to whoever is on the other side, “Got him. He’s in the hospital.”
Next up, we see Meisner entering a house, where he finds its inhabitants dead. He goes into what seems to be a child’s room, but there’s no child in the house. On the bed, a book about the Brothers Grimm. On the wall, the Black Claw’s symbol. Meisner hears a noise – someone is in the house, a man. Meisner asks the man to tell him where she is, but the man turns into a wesen and attacks him. Just as the wesen is about to win the fight, Trubel arrives and saves Meisner. We learn that the house is the one where Diana used to live.
Meanwhile in Grimm 5×19, Adalind’s reunion with her daughter Diana shows us that the kid doesn’t have much patience – and that when she gets angry, things might get unpleasant. We can only imagine how powerful that child might be. Diana wants her mommy to be with her, and she won’t take a no as an answer. Adalind tries to calm Diana down by telling her she needs a little more time, so Renard takes Adalind’s daughter away again.
Afterward, Renard meets a man, Conrad Bonaparte, who is evidently from Black Claw. He tells Renard that should Adalind choose the Grimm, they will have to kill her. Diana is very valuable to Black Claw, and to make sure they will have her total trust, she needs to see her father and mother together. Bonaparte would also like for Renard to convince Nick that he should be on their side. Otherwise… there is no other choice, really. Bonaparte makes that very clear.
Back home, Adalind wakes up from a dream – Diana is calling her name. She finds Nick awake with Kelly, and she realizes it’s finally time she talks to him about being a Hexenbiest again. Nick tells her he would never hurt her.
During the night, a nurse is checking on Wu when he suddenly turns into a wolf. The nurse runs away scared, but when she comes back with two doctors, Wu looks normal.
Meanwhile, Hank and Zuri’s relationship seems to become something important, and Zuri would like to be reintroduced to Nick.
The next day, as Grimm 5×19 continues, Wu is finally free to go back home, even though the doctor found an anomaly in his blood that she can’t explain. Back home, Wu talks to Nick and Hank about some weird dreams he’s been having: He’s running through a forest, hunting. Nick tells him that if he keeps on having these dreams, he could call Rosalee and ask her for something to make him sleep better. Is it possible that Wu doesn’t know he turns into a wolf?
Adalind is at home working when she hears Diana again, calling her name. She sees her, outside her house. Diana keeps on saying she wants her mommy back, now. At the same time, Eve is hearing Diana’s voice at the HW’s HQ. Diana is at Renard’s, and she is using her powers to contact her mother. A mirror that’s in Eve’s room breaks to form the shape of a skull, and we hear Diana’s voice saying to Eve that she is not her mommy. Eve shows Diana’s work of art to Trubel and Meisner, and she guesses she connected with Diana because of the potion that once turned Juliette into Adalind and vice-versa. Eve tells them that she could feel just a little of the child’s power, and that it was extraordinary.
Wu is resting at home when he notices a car outside of his building. After he cuts himself with some glass, his injured hand turns into a wolf’s paw. He’s scared, and he calls Rosalee to tell her he would like to see her at the shop.
At Adalind’s law firm, her boss makes her meet Conrad Bonaparte, introducing him as an important client. As soon as they are left alone, Bonaparte threatens Kelly and says that Adalind’s future is with Black Claw, not with the Grimm. He gives her until the end of the day to make a decision.
Wu leaves his building to go to the spice shop, but he realizes that the car outside is still there. The man who was at the hospital at the beginning of Grimm 5×19 gets out of the car and starts following him. Wu waits for him, then calls him by his name: Theo Delano. Wu knows him because he has arrested him three times already. Theo turns into a wesen and attacks Wu.
Just as Nick and Hank are the HW’s HQ being informed that Diana is now with Black Claw, Hank receives a phone call – they need to go back to work. Before leaving, Nick tells Meisner, Trubel and Eve to do what they have to do.
The victim of the new case Nick and Hank have to investigate is Theo Delano. Wu is obviously not at the crime scene, so Rosalee calls Nick to ask him if Wu is with him. She was expecting him at the spice shop, but he never arrived. When Nick and Hank go to check on him, they find the door of his apartment open, and blood is on it. They find Wu unconscious on his bed, covered in blood. When Wu wakes up, he’s scared and doesn’t remember what happened, or how that blood got on him. Then he remembers Theo Delano following him, and he tells Nick and Hank that he woged and attacked Theo, but he can’t remember what happened next. When Nick tells him that Delano is dead on the street right next to his building, Wu is very upset. It’s the violent way Theo died that upsets Wu and the others the most: His throat was ripped out. Nick and Hank tell Wu to clean up and follow them to the crime scene to see if the victim is really the same person who followed him.
Wu brings Nick and Hank to Delano’s car. Nick suspects Delano could be with Black Claw, so he texts Trubel to see if Delano is in their database. While Nick, Hank and Wu are going to the spice shop, Zuri calls Hank to ask him if they are going to meet later. Bonaparte is there when Zuri makes the call – she’s Black Claw too.
While at home, Adalind receives a phone call from Renard, or at least from someone with his voice. We can see it’s Diana talking, though, using her dad’s voice. She tells Adalind they need an answer right now. Adalind is desperate – she doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to tear Kelly away from his father, but she doesn’t want to leave Diana again either.
At the spice shop, Wu explains his situations to Rosalee and Monroe. Monroe thinks some Revocare Tenebris (“recall the darkness”) might help him remember. The potion makes Wu fall asleep, and while sleeping, he remembers what happened with Delano and starts talking in his sleep. Meanwhile, he woges – or so it seems to his friends, who are obviously incredulous and upset. Hank asks Monroe if Wu is wesen, but Monroe says he isn’t. Rosalee realizes he might have been bitten, and then Monroe remembers that Wu was attacked by a Lycanthrope. When Wu wakes up, Monroe shows him a recording of himself as he “woged.” Wu is terrified, and Monroe explains to him that the transformation happens when he feels threatened. Wu wants to try to find a way to control his new condition, as long as he knows he’s not crazy.
Trubel calls Nick to tell him that indeed, Delano was Black Claw. Eve then tells Nick that something is happening to Adalind and that he needs to go back home immediately. When Nick arrives at home, Adalind and Kelly aren’t there. He finds a message from Adalind in which she tells him she’s doing something she needs to do to protect her children. She also says she doesn’t expect Nick to believe her, but she loves him. The words Adalind has written slowly fade away, leaving another hidden message – “I have to protect you” – for a few seconds before disappearing.
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