Galavant returned last night to remind us all why the comedy extravaganza is one of the best things ABC has given us in a long time. With the premiere of the second season last night came the return of me laughing out loud until I practically cried thanks to Darren Evans.
In case you missed it, scroll below for our list of the best and top moments from Galavant 2×01 and why last night’s episode was a can’t-miss event.
1. Darren Evans’ outburst.
No. 1, hands down, was this moment from last night’s episode “A New Season … aka Suck It Cancellation Bear /
Darren Evans should really just get an MVP trophy because I practically screamed at this outburst when Isabella leaves him hanging.

Credit: Vedderman
2. Beer, beer beer, beer beer beer.
Gareth really loves beer.

Credit: austinlanghams
3. Bears & bears & bears… oh my!
Guest star Kylie Minogue demands “Off with his shirt!” when Galavant and his new BFF walk into the Enchanted Forest… a.k.a. the area’s hot gay bar full of bears and John Stamos.
4. The musical stylings of Alan Menken.
Honestly, Galavant‘s theme song has been stuck in my head for the better part of a year. So it was only natural that Alan Menken and co. crafted a new earworm to kick off the season. It’s a song that breaks the fourth wall so beautifully that I just want to hug it.
5. A mythical beast.
King Richard’s other new BFF is a unicorn. And you thought the King’s Beard was going to be the most luxurious and magnificent thing you saw this season.

Credit: fandoms-trump-real-life
What did you guys think of the return of Galavant? Galavant 2×01 kicked off an incredible season, so be sure to tune in every Sunday at 8/7c on ABC!
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