“The little lady with the big voice”. This is Anastacia. Powerful both in music, and in life.
She comes back with a new studio album, called “Resurrection”, after fighting cancer for the second time.
“Resurrection” is the translation of her name in Greek, and it also symbolizes her coming back to life after yet another very difficult time.
The first song off the album, that was chosen as first single, is “Stupid Little Things”. This song is Anastacia “old school”: enthralling, with that kind of rhythm that emphasizes Anastacia’s powerful voice. It’s very catchy, with a chorus that will definitely stay in your head.
“Staring At The Sun” was the song Anastacia would have picked as first single, and it will probably follow “Stupid Little Things”. This song opens the album, and it gives immediately the idea of what you can expect from the whole Anastacia’s work. The piano, the powerful drums and intense lyrics melt perfectly together.
“Lifeline” is a definite standout for me. If I had to pick a favourite, this would be the one. It starts softly, to rise in a crescendo of emotion, intensity, the violins in the background giving a dramatic and strong touch. Anastacia’s voice flies free and knows no barriers.
“Stay” is the song Anastacia wrote right after she discovered to have a cancer, for the second time. The lyrics open a door into her soul, accompanied by a beautiful melody and chorus.
“No one gets to choose,
But it’s still a secret,
No one tells us how easily we bruise.
And while we try to understand,
Life’s making other plans.
But I’m gonna stay,
Somewhere there’s an angel saying stay.
I need someone to tell me, I’m too hard to break,
I’m not ready to go just yet.”
This is definitely The Album for Anastacia. The album of her comeback.
It’s a mature, intimate one, a journey through emotions and rhythm, through a voice that’s like a painting of many different hues.
“I feel like this album is actually the me I lost for a while. I missed her, but I think I found her again.” So, welcome back, Anastacia!
You can keep up with Anastacia via the following links:
Official Website: www.anastacia.com
Official Facebook: www.facebook.com/Anastacia
Official Twitter: twitter.com/AnastaciaFanily
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