by Ashley Weitzel
At the end of the last episode we see Callie stealing and the cops being called. Where will Callie end up in this episode?
Keep reading for the recap of The Fosters: “House and Home”
“House and Home” starts off the exact same as the very first episode of this show, we have Callie walking down the hall of juvi. It’s pretty cool how the director’s do that actually very deja-vu.
Brandon finally admits to his family that he kissed Callie, and Jude saw which is why she ran away. Everyone is furious at him which I understand, but at the same time I wish they would all give him a break, it is a big deal of course but at the same time he is a teenage boy and she has only been around a few months. Not like they grew up together like he did with the twins. That would just be plain nasty if that were the case. Brandon also breaks up with Talaya because of Callie, she is pretty sure Brandon will just end up hurt sooner or later.
Callie has to go to court to decide what happens to her next. Lena and Steph come to her defense but decide she can not come back to their home until they figure out what to do about the situation. The judge places Callie in a group home. Rosie O’Donnell ends up playing the group home leader which is fantastic. Such a fan of her’s.
As Callie meets the girls for the first time she recognizes Daphne who was also in the first episode, she turns out to be the girl who beat her up before she left juvi that very first day. I really hope we get to learn more about the girls and see their characters develop a bit. They seem like super interesting people.
We can’t forget about the twins, Marianna and Jesus. Marianna meets a guy named Chase who convinces her to help out with the school play. Every girl in that school seems to be crushing on him of course. We see a battle for the boy start between Marianna and her old best friend who she sold Jesus drugs to in a previous episode. While Jesus and Mike are playing basketball, Jesus collapses which turns out to be from his doctors upping his ADD medication. Jesus decides to try a contact sport, wrestling, to relieve some of his energy and hopefully not have to take his medicine anymore. He also gets taken down by a girl his first show which is fantastic to watch!
Then there’s Jude. He has become one of my favorite people on this show overtime. Just so caring and sweet all the time. We see him missing Callie a lot in this episode and really just worried and upset that she is not there and might not be for awhile. I feel so bad for him he is such a sweet kid and deserves a break. He finally found an amazing family now if only his sister could get it together for them both.
We end the episode with Brandon visiting Callie at the group home without permission. All the of the girls and group leader observe the meeting so we will see what happens with that. Pretty sure it isn’t going to help the situation at all.
I can not wait to see what happens next. Where do we think this relationship between Callie and Brandon go? Will Callie continue to stay at the group home or will she be allowed back at the house? Also on a side note I really feel like this show does such a good job at portraying foster families, the foster care system, and the upsides of adoption. What do you guys think about this?
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