by Ashley Weitzel
Jenna Compono is a New York actress, model, and most recently a reality tv personality. She recently starred on MTV’s “Real World Ex-Plosion” Jenna hopes to use this experience to further her modeling and acting career.
Continue reading for the full interview with Jenna.
1.How did you find out about the casting for the show?
-Jay told me he was going to go to a local casting call for the show. I doubted him! Considering the millions of people who try out for Real World, I would have never thought him of all people would be picked.
2.When/how did you find out you were accepted?
-I got the call one day to come out to San Francisco. I only had about two days to decide because I would be leaving JUST a few days later.
3.Were you worried about anything or nervous before shooting started?
-I was super nervous that Jay was going to be mad that I was coming to stay for the rest of the time. He applied for the show and it was his time to shine and get away from his normal life, I didn’t want him to think I came to steal his spotlight and ruin things for him. But at the same time, this was a great opportunity for me to further explore new opportunities and my modeling career.
4.Is it hard having cameras around 24/7?
-At first it was a little nerve racking. I didn’t think I was going to be able to get used to it, but as time went on it became much easier. It was almost as if the cameras were not even there. We were able to joke around with the camera guys to lighten things in the situation. I seemed to be the only one in the house that had problems running into every single camera. Sometimes I would turn around and wham! Smacked right in the face!
5.What was it like being placed in a house with your ex for so long?
-Every situation was different in the house, but for me Jay was never my ex. Back home we would normally see each other 1-2 times a week, so living with him 24-7 definitely was a challenge! Surprisingly, we got along during the day, but the night time was a different story.
6.What was your reaction when you found out the show was about exes?
-I actually had no idea the show was about exes until I entered the house! I thought I was being brought in as a replacement. Surprisingly it made me a lot more at ease knowing I wasn’t going to be the only “ex” entering this intense environment.
7.What were you doing before the show?
-Before the show, I was working as a model and partying in my spare time! I’m a hustler, so I love making money and living the fast paced lifestyle in New York.
8.What do you plan on doing after the show airs? Will you be watching the show?
-I want to use the show as a big stepping stone towards my modeling and overall brand. I just recently signed with a management company in Los Angeles, and now I am currently attending go-sees for major agencies here in New York and internationally.
I will be watching the show! I am curious to see what made the cut, and what didn’t on the upcoming episodes. Of course, I will be using the show to learn from my experience.
9.How have your friends and family reacted to you doing the show?
-My friends and family were so excited! They always told me that I was made to do this kind of stuff, so they weren’t surprised. I’m a people person, and as a model that’s an important trait to have. However, my mom was a bit nervous simply because she didn’t want me to embarrass myself. What mom wouldn’t feel that way? But I told her, i’m only human. If I didn’t embarrass myself, then I wouldn’t be Jenna!
10. What advice would you give anyone who wants to go on any type of reality show?
-My advice is to always be you! You will have those who love you, and of course those who are less excited to see you. Going into the experience with an open mind gave me a lot of strength throughout filming. Take advantage of the opportunity. Make friends, have fun, be you.
11. Are you nervous for people’s reactions to the show as it air?
-I am nervous for the sole reason that everyone will only see a small portion of our lives, and not the full story. But hey, that’s what we signed up for. Otherwise, I am ready for the EX-Plosion!
12.Do you think your relationships you formed will be lifelong?
-Although I had a different relationship with everyone in the house, I definitely know who I will stay in touch with, and those i’ll leave behind at the reunion. You will have to watch and see how everything plays out.
13.What would you like to say to your fans/supporters?
-I had an amazing time doing this show! Although there were tons of fights and drama, I wouldn’t change it for anything. Going through all of the obstacles on the show lead me to grow as a person. At the end of the day, we were all chosen for a reason, and I came out with some great life-long friends! They will always be my Real World family!
14.Any last thoughts on the show?
-This season is going to be sick! Bring it on!! Be sure to follow me on twitter/instagram: @jennacompono and my website for the latest on my modeling and business endeavors!!
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