When they’re not dreaming about Once Upon A Time‘s Captain Hook ending up with them, fans of the show have been buzzing about a possible future love interest for him in the upcoming new season. The dreamy pirate has so far been pining for his lost love and former ex-wife of Rumplestiltskin. But now that Hook is trapped on a boat with two lovely ladies headed for Neverland (Fairy Tale Land?), actor Colin O’Donoghue reveals who he thinks his character would go for.
Via TVLine:
You know my stance on the whole Emma thing: What guy wouldn’t? But where Hook is concerned, seeing as he’s now on a journey with two eligible bachelorettes, the Jolly Roger might transform into the Love Boat. “It’s probably about time he sort of found another love in his life,” Colin O’Donoghue shared with me at season’s end. “But if it was a toss-up between [traveling companions] Regina or Emma, I’m not sure exactly who he’d go for.” Given that Emma is currently reeling from the loss of Neal, “Maybe he’ll have fun with Regina, while he’s waiting for Emma,” the pirate’s portrayer ventures. “Who knows!”
Personally, I think Emma and Hook are way too obvious. Just because she’s the star, it doesn’t mean her character needs to hook up with everyone. Besides, the love of her life just fell through a portal and landed on a beach somewhere. Hook should probably be more concerned with staying out of harm’s way. He seems to get knocked over every 5 minutes.
While Once Upon A Time tends to film much of the series up in Canada, it’ll be interesting to see how Neverland, and the beach in Fairy Tale land will look in the new season. Here in the Northeast, it’s a miracle our beaches survived. Famed Jones Beach was fairly destroyed, as was the Jersey Shore, but has opened just in time for Memorial Day. Virginia Beach is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. virginia beach windows, cars, doors, shops, will all be decorated and proudly announcing this fact all Summer long.
Once Upon A Time returns to ABC this Fall.
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