I am very intrigued about this upcoming new episode of Person of Interest. Sarah Shahi guest stars and she herself describes her role as “Reese’s equal.” From that I gather that she’s a gorgeous bad ass. And from what I’ve already seen from the episode, that sounds about right. The episode is a big one. Jonathan Nolan himself directed it.
Check out what else Sarah had to say about the episode, airing this Thursday on CBS.
Spoilers include a sneak peek clip from the episode titled “Relevance.”
Via TVLine:
TVLINE | The “James Bond/Sarah Connor” thing – is that how they pitched the role to you?
It was — and also as, you know, kind of “the female 007.” This character was an ultimate bad-ass, which is something I’ve never really had the chance to play yet always fantasized about doing. She’s a superhero in this world, and almost Reese’s equal in some way, too.
TVLINE | What is Shaw up to when we first meet her?
Well, there’s not much I can tell you. But I will tell you what I can. From first glance, she seems like just any other woman — and then you look a little deeper and there’s something very kind of flawed about her. Something that’s a little broken and highly dangerous. She’s a soldier — I can tell you that. And I can tell you that she is in the most covert of operations, part of a very secret paramilitary organization. Beyond that, I don’t know what else I can say.
TVLINE | What does she make of Reese and Finch’s interest in her?
I can’t tell you that because I would have to reveal a plot point. You’re being sneaky. You’re trying! And you can keep trying. I can promise you that it is a fantastic episode, and I’ll tell you this: From the minute the episode starts, it just goes. And it does not let up until the last second. It’s very intense.
TVLINE | Is that why Jonah himself directed this episode? Because it’s that high-octane?
Possibly. He wrote the episode, so I know this character meant a lot to him and I think he wanted to be very hands-on. I couldn’t imagine him handing this episode over to somebody else because Shaw is his baby in so many ways.
TVLINE | You mentioned Shaw being Reese’s equal. What would the dynamic between the two of them be, were they to come face to face? Is it a mutual admiration society?
Here — you know what Reese and Finch do, and I can tell you that what Shaw does is track and eliminate terrorists before they have a chance to act. I will tell you that, and then you can make of that what you will in terms of what her relationship with Reese and Finch is going to be, since in some ways she parallels a bit of what they do, in a very different way.
I can’t wait to see what she brings to the show. Are you looking forward to this episode?
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