Uhoh. It looks like the grim reaper, yet again, is making his way to Rosewood. Major Spoiler alert here but it’s been confirmed that another character will die in the upcoming Halloween special “This is a Dark Ride.” ABC Family released a photo of 13 cast members, one of which will be killed off. It’s up to you guys to guess.
Check out the possibilities here:
We have some HUGE news for you today, Liars. With the ALL NEW Halloween special less than two weeks away, it’s the perfect time to share the most spine-chilling detail of all. Someone DIES during the episode — and that person is pictured in the photo above!! And that’s not all. Get ready for a startling revelation. Someone you know very well may have had a secret past with Ali!
Please don’t touch Jason. Or Caleb. I mean, dude was already shot. And killing Ezra already would prob result in torches and pitchforks at the studio with an angry mob.
I think we can easily knock off the majority of these as possibilities and bring it down to Lucas, Garrett, Paige, or Noel. I am fine with any of them going. Lucas hasn’t had anything to do in quite some time and he’s just gotten annoying. Paige, well, I can’t seem them killing off another girlfriend of Emily’s. Noel is pretty but he’s not very redeemable anymore. It’s either him or Jenna. They each know too much but I don’t think they’ll get rid of Jenna yet. Garrett, well, good riddance you sad excuse for a cop.
Seriously, the people in Rosewood are dropping like flies. Where are the FEDS??
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