“The fun of looking backward. The fear of looking forward. And the frantic, dreaded horror of looking down at the scale.” The Very First Bite by Cynthia Langston follows Lanie Albers, who makes a promise to herself to get into better physical and emotional shape before her dreaded high school reunion. What follows can only be described as a funny and touching journey that any woman can relate to.
I’ll just get right down to it. I really loved this book. Even more than Cynthia Langston’s first, Bicoastal Babe. I could really relate to the main character and everything she was going through. So much so that it really tugged at my heartstrings while reading it.
If you’ve ever had a friendship end and wonder how and why it went wrong, and if you were the only one who was still holding on to the memories, you’ll love this book. In the forefront, we have Lanie’s struggle to lose weight before her high school reunion before she reunites with her first love and former friends, and a curious backstory that leaves the reader wondering.
One of the things I loved about this book is that it was almost a mystery. The questions surrounding what was going on with Lanie’s friend Candace kept me glued to the pages. I couldn’t wait for them to finally meet again. I’m also proud to say that I called a few revelations early on.
I also enjoyed how the book focused on all the different trendy and fad diets that so many women try nowadays with some of them being unsafe and not worth the money. I myself had wondered about some of them and it could really help anyone who was contemplating trying them out. It definitely helps shed some light and inspiration for anyone struggling with the scale.
All in all, the book was a wonderful read. I highly recommend it to anyone. I think everyone would be able to find something to relate to through Lanie’s journey through her insecurity. I related so much to the main character that I was able to see myself in the pages.
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