The latest Person of Interest is an undercover cop trying to expose a smuggling ring. Well, naturally, dude’s gonna need a little help in the form of a silver fox with a great shot. Reese infiltrates the group and joins in on the undercover shenanigans about to go down. Adding to their normal amount of obstacles, this week they have to deal with a bunch of corrupt cops. This show is making me think the entire world is corrupt. Debbie Downers.
To make things worse, that buttmunch Agent Snow is still sniffing around looking to cause trouble and find Reese for whatever grudge he’s holding. Get a hobby dude. He warns Carter that Reese will only use her and cause her pain just like his old partner. I dunno bro. I think we’re gonna find out he had to do what he had to do. I think he’s much more willing to sacrifice Fusco to the dogs over his BFF Carter.
Finch asks Lionel to commit a federal crime and destroy the files on the undercover cop so they can protect his life. Poor Lionel is caught in the act and taken away by yet another corrupt cop who is working for the same bad guys. Speaking of, the smugglers get word that someone amongst them is a cop. Reese pretends to be the snitch to protect the cop. What a great guy. In doing so, he ends up with a bullet in his shoulder, shoved in a trunk with a dead body, and then the car is set on fire. What a bad day for Reese. But that’s no match for John and he’s out. He’s a little smokey but overall fine. And boy is he Fiiine. I kid, I kid. Kind of.
After a little flirtation with Carter, Finch lets John know that both their Person of Interest and Lionel are in danger and there may not be time to save them both. The guy in charge of the smuggling is CIA. Although Carter and John save our cop in time, it was all for nothing because the CIA is behind this drug trafficking as well. Meanwhile, Lionel is being led into the woods and I’m having uncomfortable Boardwalk Empire flashbacks. Lionel displays some bravery I don’t see coming while he has a gun to his head. Thankfully, his buddy Reese saves him at the last minute. Phew.
John tells Lionel he has to stay undercover on the inside. Now that Lionel is basically holding the bag for this new body, he has to go ask his corrupt cop friends for a favor. I bet Lionel wishes he stayed home from work that day he met John.
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