Melody springs on Emmett that she can’t help him pay for his $5000 fine and he can’t ask his dad for it either. In order to pay the fine, she suggests that he sell his beloved motorcycle. Bay is upset because she believes that it’s her fault and Daphne can’t let him sell something so important to him. Together, they try to come up with the money to help their friend. Daphne tries selling 5 dollar cupcakes but that really isn’t cutting it. Daphne gets another unpleasant surprise when Wilke doesn’t want to be her friend anymore. He likes you girl!
Daphne brings up the obvious solution: The Parents. Why can’t they just ask for the money? Well, they can. But odds are they won’t pay for the motorcycle that they hate. Daphne comes up with a lie to get the check. She lies about losing her hearing aids and says insurance won’t cover it. They’re more than happy to help her out but she feels terrible about it. It’s not long before Regina finds out about it and demands that she return the money. Daphne confesses to Katharyn who, in my opinion, is overreacting. She apologized and returned the money. She’s your daughter. Cut her some slack.
Regina and Angelo take the next step in purchasing the salon and going into business together. John, while unsure about Angelo’s past, goes to confront him about it. While there, John lets slip that Regina knew all along that the girls were switched. Angelo is pissed. He and Regina fight but thankfully, in the end, he doesn’t leave. He doesn’t want to leave again and wants to be in their lives. Then they kiss. Yay!
The cliffhanger of the night happens when unfortunately, Emmett has to sell his bike. Then he tells Melody that he’s moving out to go live with his dad. Gasp. I kind of hope he does it. She’s so horrible.
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