The Following – Season 2 Episode 6 Fly Away – Recap
by Josh Batchelder
The Following really brings the heat tonight in an episode that is so overcrowded with action that it may as well have been a mid-season finale.
by Josh Batchelder
The Following really brings the heat tonight in an episode that is so overcrowded with action that it may as well have been a mid-season finale.
by Josh Batchelder
A Joe Carroll cult reunion and some badass scenes with Giselle are the recipe for this week’s new episode of The Following.
by Josh Batchelder
Joe gets a new follower, love blossoms for an unlikely duo, a guest star meets an untimely demise, and the twist everyone saw a mile away unfold in this week’s all-new episode of The Following.
by Josh Batchelder
After last night’s killer episode, one thing is certain: Joe Carroll isn’t dead, and he’s certainly not over his pesky killing habit. Also, twins Luke and Mark meet Ryan Hardy for the first time and further prove that they have some screws lose. Those are just a couple of the lovely morsels to be found in episode 2 of The Following’s sophomore run, titled For Joe.
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