Switched at Birth – 1×17 – Protect Me From What I Want – Recap
Daphne is pleasantly surprised when Simone starts spending more time with her. This girl is not to be trusted. I wouldn’t be surprised if this fancy new dress she just gave over to Daphne was stolen. Speaking of things that are stolen, remember Simone’s watch? She “found” it after her dad bought her a new one. Then she sold one to pay for expensive basketball lessons to help the two girls get a spot on the basketball team.
When Daphne learns that her old friends from her old neighborhood have been banned from the school for possibly stealing, Daphne is shocked that Simone won’t come forward with the truth. Daphne goes to tell the coach the truth and is shocked to hear that Simone already told him and made it seem like Daphne was the evil mastermind behind it all. When Daphne points out to the coach exactly why he’s a jerk and why he brought her in to the school, he puts Simone and Daphne up against each other instead for a spot on the team. Bay tells Daphne even more information on why Simone is awful. She terrorized an unpopular girl so severely that she was forced to leave the school. Daphne gets her revenge when she beats Simone for a spot on the team.
An art representative comes to Regina’s salon and she is eager to show him some of Bay’s work. He likes it but is more interested in Regina. Not only does he love her art work, he wants to go out on a date with her. Seeing as Angelo has completely disappeared, she sees no reason why she shouldn’t. Bay is pissed but Bay is always pissed about everything.
When she notices that Kathryn is spending more time getting closer to Emmett, she is not a happy camper. She hires Emmett to take a family portrait now that Daphne and Regina are part of the family. Somewhere along the way, Kathryn thinks its a good idea to talk about Bay’s old boyfriends. This royally offends Emmett who hates the idea that Bay was ever close to Thai. He then spends the rest of the episode treating Bay like crap. Why exactly does he have any room to be territorial? She’s the virgin. You don’t see her flipping out because he nailed someone. However, their relationship is still in tact by the end of the episode when it is revealed that Emmett is crabby because he’s in love with Bay.