True Blood – Soul of Fire – Recap
Our not so friendly vampire quartet shows up to Marnie’s with a bazooka, hoping it will penetrate her spell. Jason shows up to piss on their hope when he informs them that Sookie is inside. Jason defends her when they basically call her a pain in the ass for always getting in the way. I’s kind of true but adorable how he’s standing up for her. The gang inside start to realize just how screwed they are when Marnie kills one of them with no remorse. Antonia leaves Marnie’s body because Marnie has gone batshit crazy and more evil than Antonia would like. She never wanted one of their own to perish. Marnie refuses to let her leave and casts a body binding spell to keep Antonia with her. Uhoh. Jesus says they’re screwed.
Sam and Alcide are still looking for Marcus and punching whoever they need to to get this information. Luna shows up screaming for him as well because he kidnapped their daughter. He’s shacking up with Debbie at Alcide’s place and wants to run away with her. Urgh. He’s so gross. When they find out where he is, Sam and Alcide bust in on them and Sam finally gets his hands on the ass who murdered his brother. Somewhere between choking him and calling him all sorts of names, Sam lets him go and wants him to live with the guilt instead. Ugh. No way! Marcus and Debbie is a little too much for him to handle so Alcide finishes what Sam should have. Marcus is killed and Debbie is kicked to the curb. Hell yeah Alcide!
Well here’s a plot this week that is seemingly out of nowhere and confuses the hell out of me. Andy is still walking home in the woods after Terry left him when he sees a ball of light. Fairy light? A beautiful girl in a poofy dress appears and attacks him with some more light. Sure looks like a fairy to me. She entices Andy and offers him some sex in exchange for him swearing to protect her. Hmm. The power of a lay. That swear will certainly come back to bite Andy in the ass and possibly give him a more interesting storyline next season. Woot!
Jesus has had enough of this bullsh*t. With the help of Lafayette and the body of the girl Marnie killed, he wants to cast a spell releasing Antonia from Marnie. All this Jesus time is making me very nervous for his well being. Save Jesus! Meanwhile, Marnie goes out to meet the vamps and says she will let Sookie go if Bill and Eric kill themselves. They agree. What?? Just as Bill is about to shoot Eric, Pam grabs the bazooka, aims it at the witch and fires. It bounces back off of the protection shield and Jason is hurt. Jess revives him with some more of her blood. Eric is furious that Pam disobeyed him and tells her to get out of his sight. Whoa. Have they ever been this mad at each other before? Would Bill and Eric have gone through with it had Pam not interrupted?
Marnie looks into the future and sees herself dead. She’s furious and decides it’s time for another of their circle spells against the vampires. Sookie reluctantly joins but uses her fairy powers to stop Marnie once she realizes it’s hurting her friends outside. Marnie punishes Sookie by putting her in a ring of fire to burn. Sookie’s only hope is in the form of the sexy nurse in the back room casting one creepy spell. Lucky for her, it works. The ring of fire is broken and the vampires get in and shoot Marnie. Peace out bitch.
Jesus is in some serious depression over Marnie’s death. Good riddance if you ask me. His sadness worries me even more. While lying in bed with Lafayette, Jesus closes his eyes unable to see what’s about to go down. Marnie’s ghost/spirit is hovering over Lafayette. Man. Him being a medium sure sucks right now doesn’t it? Marnie possesses Lafayette. Uhoh. She’s going to want revenge on Jesus. Save Jesus!
Funniest Quotes of the Night:
Jesus: He’s a medium.
Tara: Since fucking when?
Lafayette: Everything he said in this episode was on point. He deserves a comedic Emmy.