Person of Interest – 1×12 – Legacy – Recap
Sad news for Person of Interest fans. The honeymoon is over and there is trouble in paradise. The Bromance! :(. Reese and Carter finally meet face to face for a pleasant cup of coffee in a diner somewhere. I’m enjoying the way they’re working off of each other. Subtle smiles and aggravation. Just like any good relationship.
With Reese and Carter warming up to each other, poor Lionel is stuck not knowing what the hell is going on. There are a lot of trust issues in this episode.
Reese asks for Carter’s help with the latest number. She’s a gorgeous lawyer with a ton of debt. So why does this parole office want to kill her? Because he’s a douche and he’s greedy and wants more money than he deserves. I love this girl. When Reese pretends to need a lawyer and asks why she doesn’t have a boyfriend, part of me wanted them to ask each other out right then and there. “I don’t date people more attractive than me.” Well, at least she has great taste and good eyesight.
Reese is beginning to realize that Finch isn’t trusting him with all of his secrets. When Finch begins to go to mysterious and secretive appointments, Reese follows him. Finch bails out a young mystery guy from jail and I’m confused. He’s hot but I’m kind of confused. I didn’t think Finch had any friends. It’s kind of nice to see him so open and happy with someone though. Who is he? He’s the son of Nathan Ingram. And he’s calling Finch “Uncle Harold.” I don’t know if that means Ingram and Finch were brothers or if that just means Finch has always been there for him. Either way, this kid has no idea what Finch really does in his life and has no idea that Finch is hiding something about his dad.
How did he die? And how long until Finch realizes that Lionel is being forced to follow him down the street. He’s a terrible spy. Finch isn’t going to open up to you because you set a spy on him John. You two need to work out your trust issues. It was just a couple episodes ago that he was cradling your wounded body in his arms and speeding through red lights to save you. And he bought you a cushion for your tush!
Save the Bromance. I need my bromantical moments.
Best moment of the night?
Reese telling Lionel: I appreciate your concern for my ass.