Person of Interest – 1×18 – Identity Crisis – Recap
This is officially one of my favorite episodes of Person of Interest to date. Just give Michael Emerson every award available. He’s perfect. Finch and Reese are investigating an out of the ordinary case of identity theft. All they have is the name Jordan and a man and a woman. Not knowing which one of them is the criminal, they tail both of them. Reese takes the guy and learns he has a hand in a lab that makes Ecstasy. Throughout this investigation, I’ve learned that Finch invented social networking. Thanks for the Tumblr gif giving, Finchy!
With Carter ignoring their calls, Finch has to help out this time. He tails the girl to a book store and dare I say it, flirts a little bit. Aww he’s so cute! Finch likes his women to be well read. Mental note. Reese should start reading more books. I find myself shipping Finch with this woman but it’s all a bit too comfortable. I’m starting to question her. And rightfully so. She just drugged Finch’s drink!
But I can’t hate on her. She just gave us the best gift ever. Michael Emerson acting like he’s high on E. This is the best thing ever. I don’t even know how to contain myself as I giggle away at the image of Harold dancing in front of an exploding microwave. The gifs will be glorious.
So yeah, the real Jordan is not this woman. She’s the leader of the chemical lab. It’s a shame. She reminded me of an older Juliet on LOST. Reese and the real Jordan try to lull her into a trap. Meanwhile, Carter is recruited once again. This time, the FBI wants to screw the CIA and catch Reese because they feel he’s a threat to national security. Don’t give him up Carter!
In the end, the criminal is carted off to jail and I am rewarded with a fantastic bromantical moment at the end of the episode. John brings Harold home to sleep off the drugs and Harold doesn’t want him to leave. He’d rather stay up and chat. They’re so cute! As John says goodbye, Finch calls him Nathan. Hwhat??