This episode of Pretty Little Liars was not one of the best. I’m concerned that it may take awhile before it gets back to the amazing levels we used to experience weekly.
Here is our recap of this week’s new episode of Pretty Little Liars: “Gamma Zeta Die!”

Holy. Sh*t. Did ABC Family get tired of hearing how awesome Canada’s Pretty Little Liars promos are and decide to try and match them? Because, seriously, I think this is one of the best previews the fans have ever gotten for a new episode before. There is so much to digest in this little 30 second clip. I spy an Emily mask, a car plowing through a house, and, dare I say it, are we headed to Ravenswood?
Pretty Little Liars airs Tuesdays on ABC Family.
Check out the preview promo for next week’s new episode of Pretty Little Liars: “Gamma Zeta Die!”