Person of Interest – 1×19 – Flesh and Blood – Recap
The boys have their hands full this week. A number from each of the Mob families of New York has popped up from the Machine. How do they protect some of the biggest criminals in the city?
Elias is determined to off each and every one of them one by one. That’s not going to fly with Carter if innocent people can get hurt in the process. It’s weird but Elias actually seems like he’s very focused this week. If you forget that he has half the cops in the city on his payroll, you’d wonder why Carter wouldn’t just let him do what he’s about to do. We get a bunch of flashbacks of little Elias growing up without his real father and learn why he’s the bitter psychopath he is today.
When Carter takes the rest of the mobsters into protective custody, Elias responds by kidnapping her son. John’s form of an apology is kicking ass to get him back. He literally gets shot and keeps on walking. Bad ass.
Carter is stuck in the protective housing when Elias shows up at the door with his goons asking her to give him what he wants. She gets a little more uncomfortable when one of the mobsters tells her that she can’t trust Fusco. Uhoh. Is his cover blown? Finch goes to the HR dirty cops in bed with Elias and informs them Elias will turn on them the moment he feels like it. He’s able to get them to cut ties with Elias immediately so they can go get Carter’s son back.
In the end, once Elias busts down the door, Carter can arrest him after Fusco finally makes a good decision. Ultimately, not even a jail cell can stop Elias from doing what he does. Even from the orange jumpsuit he’s able to blow up his father and brother. I wonder when he’ll get out?