Credit: ABC Family/Nicole Wilder
Switched at Birth 4×20 featured a fugitive on the run, a declaration of love, a birth, and a heck of a cliffhanger – to name but a few elements of the episode. Here are five things we learned during Switched at Birth 4×20.
1. Quinn’s back.
Daphne’s trying to get a six-week internship to fit hearing aids in China, and guess who’s in town to interview her? None other than Quinn, a.k.a. Cute Charity Worker, a.k.a. the guy Daphne kissed while on spring break in Mexico. Before he selects her for the internship, Quinn tells her what happened between them is in the past and their relationship is now “completely professional” – but Mingo’s not so sure. After Quinn and Mingo almost come to blows at Bay’s art show, Quinn withdraws the internship offer and Mingo urges Daphne to go to China anyway. Ultimately, Mingo and Daphne agree to take a break from their relationship, and Daphne invites Bay to accompany her to China.
2. Bay’s first art show isn’t what she expected.
Bay arrives at the art gallery that’s showing her work with the expectation that food will be served, art critics have been called, and all she needs to do is hang her paintings. Turns out she has to be caterer, publicist AND artist, but it all comes together and she soon finds herself standing in the gallery, surrounded by her work. The Kennish/Vasquez clan is well-represented among the portraits, which blend imagery with words. Even Angelo is included, with the phrase “Forever missed” incorporated into his piece. Most of the family comes out to support Bay, as do Travis and Emmett, the latter of whom is home from Los Angeles for the summer. Travis and Emmett have barely spoken since Emmett found out Travis had feelings for Bay, but as Melody points out, Emmett doesn’t have a say in who she dates anymore. (In case you didn’t get where this is going, one of ABC Family’s helpful hashtags appears in the corner of the screen: #JealousEmmett.) Later, Emmett tells Bay he was an idiot for dumping her.
Oh, and speaking of Travis, it turns out he paid the gallery-owner to rent out the space for the night, so the event isn’t a “real show” after all.
3. Travis comes clean.
Bay is furious with Travis over setting up the art show behind her back – and although his intentions were good, who can blame her?
Bay: My first-ever commission was a lady who just wanted to get close to me to kidnap her kid back, and now I find out that the only expert who’s ever validated my work was paid off. I feel like a 5-year-old who just found out that her parents paid kids to come to her birthday party.
Travis: You had such a tough year; I just wanted to give you a great night.
Bay: But I want to earn it, or else it doesn’t mean anything. Don’t you get that? Why do you keep interfering in my life? I know that you mean well, Travis, I do, but you have got to stop, OK? You have got to.
Travis: I can’t.
Bay: What do you mean, you can’t? Why not?
Travis: Because I’m in love with you.
And just like that, the secret’s out. Bay tries to rationalize the situation and come up with reasons why they shouldn’t pursue their feelings, but Travis urges her not to make excuses and then kisses her. After the art show ends, Bay tells Emmett about Travis’ confession and Emmett admits that although he doesn’t like to think about her being with someone else, it’s time for him to let her go – even if that results in her being with his almost-brother.
4. Eric leaves & Carlton arrives.
The Kennishes aren’t thrilled that they’ve been unwittingly harboring a fugitive, and they give Regina 24 hours to figure out the mess with Eric before they go to the cops. Cut to Regina trying to persuade Eric to move back to Atlanta so he and Hope can co-parent their son. Eric reluctantly agrees, and Regina offers to buy Eric’s share of The Cracked Mug so Hope will have the money she needs to start a new life. At the eleventh hour, Eric decides he’d rather fall off the grid than raise his child with Hope. He shares an emotional goodbye with Regina before disappearing – and not a moment too soon, as cops are soon bursting onto the Kennish property, much to John’s ire. Just then, Toby calls from the hospital: Lily’s in labor, and she soon gives birth to baby Carlton, who’s named after the school where his parents met. The enormity of the experience is enough to reconcile the family, at least for now.
5. There’s a time jump… & a cliffhanger!
Remember how Bay and Daphne made plans to go to China? We flash forward to ten months after Carlton is born and find Bay in the middle of tattooing a customer in Beijing. She pauses to take a phone call, and her face falls as she listens to the person on the other end of the line. She runs down the street to find Daphne, who’s busy dispensing medical advice, and tells her that the two of them have to go home. But why?! As Switched at Birth 4×20 was the last episode of season 4, we’ll have to wait until next season to find out.
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