by Dianna Berrian
It’s okay if you didn’t get in your daily workout today. Tonight’s “Being Human” has a special personal trainer offer from Josh Levison!Yes, in this weeks’ episode, our little wolfy Joshie has gone exercise crazy. So much so that he’s lost his to do list, along with interest in Sally’s “Lil Smokie” woes. And Nora is no help because she has to work double shifts until Josh can hold a job without wanting to beat up his boss. Aiden, in the interim, is busy having a sexy dream about Kat where she’s on board with his lifestyle, even going so far as becoming a vampire herself. Unfortunately he’s ricocheted out of the dream and face to face with Kenny. He reports ten more vamp killings during the night and thinks Aiden is next. What better way to send a message than Aiden, the last son of Bishop? They head downstairs where Kenny apologizes for attacking Nora, his explanation that he wasn’t himself and had no control. Nora is understanding, but even after comparing it to when he accidentally scratched her, Josh still refuses to accept and opts to go for a ten mile run.
Out on his run, Josh is brought to a sudden halt by a startling waft of wolf in the air. He rushes up to a pregnant woman on a bench, sniffing her out. Because that’s not creepy. Apparently he can smell that she’s a wolf and her pregnancy befuddles him. The only thing is, she isn’t sure what she’s pregnant with. They take a stroll to discuss where she explains her troubles with conception for the last 5 years until suddenly her and her husband were attacked by wolves three months ago, and it just so happened to be the fertility treatment they needed. I mean, she’s pretty pregnant for only three months, and former Nurse Josh insists she see a doctor. Or at least Nora.
Aiden, meanwhile, is surprised by Kat on his way out. She ditched a faculty meeting to plan a vacation with him but he has to reschedule because, well, um, work is crazy? Except she just called Nora and was told the hospital was a ghost town. Think, Aiden! Oh, right. They work in different wings. Clearly she doesn’t totally buy it but she lets him off easy. And at the hospital, Sally convinces Zoe to help her. They’re already up to no good researching the former owners of the house. City records indicate a Carl and Joy Benson owned it in the 70s and lived there with their daughter Beatrice – aka, “Lil Smokie”. They head off to Brookline where the Bensons supposedly relocated.
Detached from Kat, Aiden gets his chance to take off and confront Suzanna about her attack at the Blood Den and uncover the real reason she came back to Boston: to kill vampires before they kill people. Looks like even after two centuries the girl is still not okay with what or who she is and wants to end the species so they can save the people. Aiden, of course, argues they’re not all bad and can be controlled so long as their blood intake is monitored, which is what the purpose of the Blood Den was. But she hears none of it and offers him an ultimatum – them or her?
For the next two hours, Sally and Zoe stakeout the Benson residence until someone is home. Zoe knocks, presenting herself as an Environmental Preservationist to the little girl who answers and bears a striking resemblance to “Lil Smokie.” She calls for her mother when Zoe asks for Beatrice. Wait, shouldn’t she be dead? Zoe sits down with Beatrice and tries to question her as best she can about her childhood, but ignores Sally’s urge to dig deeper and leaves when it borders a little too odd for a preservationist. Sally is all but dismayed. And since Sally can never let things go easily, Zoe tells her straight up that she’s done and held up her end of the deal. They take off, not before catching Beatrice’s daughter staring at them from afar. Creepy.
Aiden finally makes it back to plan that vacation with Kat but they’re having trouble deciding where to go. She tries to coax him into talking about his past by mentioning childhood vacations but he falls short. He stays vague about it, for obvious reasons, and she starts to gripe about it being hard to pull answers about his past, even though anything having to do with 200 years ago turns him into Wikipedia. And yet again, Aiden is faced with another ultimatum – in regards to their vacation and/or relationship, is he in or out?
Josh and Nora sneak the wolf couple Caroline and Andrew into the hospital to do the ultrasound, as promised. The baby’s heartbeat is fast, getting faster each time the wand moves. Eventually an image shows up with little baby…claws? Husband Andrew is insanely skeptical of them and overprotective of Caroline so he snatches her up and they book it out of there. Well, you’re welcome! Hmph.
On her way into the house, Nora is greeted by Josh who has just learned of Josh’s lack of job. He thanks her for not treating Kenny like a pariah and proceeds to tell her how he’s running things out of Bishop’s old funeral home. Once the small talk is through, he’s got a favor to ask. He brings up his vacation with Kat and some issues it sparks. No, not emotional issues. Vampire eating issues. He can’t exactly get blood bags through security!
Aiden: “And then there are some places like the Bahamas that I just can’t go.”
Nora: “Too much sunlight?”
Aiden: “I murdered their prime minister once. Bahamians have really long memories.”
Oops! So where will he get his blood from? The drunks, duh. Drunk students and businessmen… It’s totes normal. His favor, however, is that he needs her to memorize all about him, meaning the identity he created for himself to get by. Why, you ask? Because he wants the two weeks to be the beginning of he and Kat spending a lot more time together. Nora agrees but warns him to be careful and keep her safe from his “dangerous world”. She also gives him a new high school nickname: “Chuggie”. Ha…
Later, Sally relays the story of Beatrice and “Lil Smokie” jr. to Josh. She can’t figure out how it all adds up, along with how weird Zoe was acting towards her. Josh is all whatever, Im working out. And then the doorbell rings. It’s Caroline and Andrew and, surprise! Caroline’s water broke. Uh…Nora! They hurry to prep the spare bedroom for her delivery and for about five seconds Josh worries about covering everything in plastic, hoping for the best scenario where mom and baby live. Whereas, Andrew is busy panicking over every single what if scenario in the book. Chill, dude!
Aiden takes a trip to the funeral home to talk to Kenny and reveals he knows who the serial vamp killer is and where she’s at. Five seconds later, he’s at Suzanna’s door warning her to get out of town. He’s only warning her because he loved her once. She tells him she tried to live a human life too, but it never works.
Suzanna: “You wanna turn them, they wanna be turned, or you kill them.”
Aiden: “I just want to know what it’s like to have 5 years, 10, of real life.”
Suzanna: “But it’s not real. It’s never real. Tragedy finds us. If you really love her, the best thing to do is break up with her. Now.”
Tick tock, Aiden. Meanwhile, Sally stops by Zoe again to voice her concerns about the strange behavior. They’re interrupted by a woman named Laurie who is oddly affectionate to Zoe. Well, odd until she kisses Zoe and says she’ll see her at home. It clicks for Sally but not in the way Zoe meant. She didn’t tell her about Laurie, not because she was afraid of Sally’s judgment, but because Sally ruins everything she touches. Sally knows her shame, knows the guild, but she also knows she’s on to something. But Zoe wants no part in it anymore.
Back in the delivery bedroom, Caroline promises Nora her husband means well and wasn’t like that before the attack. But Nora just tries to assure her and get the baby delivering going smoothly. Downstairs, Sally broods about being a screwup and Aiden feeds her the reassurance she needs.
Aiden: “All that you can do, all we can ever do, is try to make it right next time.”
Josh and Andrew have a little bro moment where he tells Josh about a girl they were friends with who died last month after going into early labor with a wolf baby. He fears the same for Caroline but Josh assures him it’s not the same for them and that purebreds can make it because he’s met some. Just as Andrew ventures to ask Josh what he is, they’re beckoned by Nora to help out. With one last push, the baby comes out, and everybody lives. Even the Chewbacca looking baby. (Is that in bad taste?) It’s a girl! And strangely, Andrew and Caroline seem content with her. Once she starts to nurse, she shifts back into a normal baby. Josh and Nora head downstairs for a breather where they playfully poke fun at the idea of a wolf-baby, imagining teaching it to ride a bike and then not to chase cars. It’s cute because you can so obviously see the foreshadowing here in how they try to cover their desires with jokes.
Beatrice Benson is back at home flipping through pages of her scrapbook when she finds the picture Sally and Zoe used to track her down from a newspaper clipping. And when she unfolds the top of the photo, “Lil Smokie” jr. is standing there in the window. Say whaaaaa?
All rushed and out of breath, Aiden shows up at Kat’s house desperate to tell her he wants to travel everywhere with her. But not until she knows him. He sits her down, starting by telling her he’s been lying since the day they met; then sugar coats it with the fact that he knows all about the historical events because he lived them; followed by he hasn’t been a child since the 1760s; and concluding his speech with the fact that he’s been alive for over 200 years. And, oh yeah, if you haven’t guessed it yet, I’m a vampire. BAHAHAHAHA! No, she does laugh in his face, though.
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