This was 100% one of the best episodes of Hawaii Five-0 to date. It had suspense, action, and the most important thing, the intense bromance that could only be described as true love between Steve and Danny. Jenna is back to beg Steve for help rescuing her fiance from North Korea. Steve is amazing and of course agrees to help her. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know that Jenna can’t be trusted.
While investigating a murder back home, the gang realize that Jenna is involved and lying about the fact she’s been in Hawaii all this time.
Danny’s concern and worry for Steve is beautiful. Everyone else is trying to get stuff done but his eyes say it all. He misses his boo. Jenna and Steve are walking through the woods when a wild Wo Fat appears to knock Steve’s lights out when Jenna turns her gun on him. Ugh. Even in the jungle Wo Fat has his suave black shirt on. It can’t really compare to the black tee Danny is sporting in North Korea. He goes to Joe for help rescuing Steve. He puts a group together and the gang makes their way to North Korea.
Steve is put in a separate room to be tortured and Jenna is led to her fiance. Or rather, her fiance’s dead body. Jenna locks the door before they can kill her and digs into her man’s knee for a pin he must have had put in there. Jenna is able to make a sad call to Danny to try and help them find their location. They grab her and shackle her up next to Steve. Steve is being used as a punching bag and electrocuted occasionally until he gives Wo Fat the information he’s looking for. Wo Fat is demanding to know about what his father was investigating and why Joe knows. It looks like Wo Fat has no idea and he’s a bit jealous. Jealousy is an ugly color on you bro. Jenna slips Steve the pin before she can be seen. Wo Fat takes out his frustration on Jenna and kills her. Aww. Poor Jenna. I was just starting to like you.
Steve escapes for about two seconds before Wo Fat and his goons catch up with him. They take him and leave. Danny, Chin and Joe go in to the building guns blazing to find that they’re no longer there. Before they can escape, Lori blows up the only bridge out of there. Nice shot. They attack the convoy of trucks they’re in and are able to rescue Steve. Wo Fat escapes like a rat into the jungle somewhere. Danny is so happy to see his bff and Lori actually hugs him. I guess those two are going to happen. I prefer McDanno. I kind of wish Steve had suggested they all go back for Jenna’s body but it never happened. It just seemed like something Steve would do.
All in all, an amazing episode.
Best Quotes of the Night:
Steve: Don’t worry Danny, I’ll think about you the whole time.
Chin: I’m getting married!
Danny: Don’t do it!
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